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RE: No, I'm not a college student. And here's why.

in #homeschool7 years ago

Well, I can't say that I agree with the ideas that going to school will ruin your life or that it's not important, or that a college education is meaningless. But I also wouldn't ever tell someone that they have to go, particularly if they don't know what they want to do. As for college ruining your life or being useless for your eventual path, I don't see higher education as being something that HAS to be vocational. Personally, I believe that liberal arts degrees are undervalued (culturally, I mean, not monetarily), and perfect for students who have creative or multitalented minds but don't have a clear idea of a strict career path.

My friends are probably about 50/50 in either having gone to college or not. I can't say I know a single person who went to college who regrets getting an education (I can think of one who wishes he went to community college for his first two years). I do have a bunch of friends who are now hitting their 30s, didn't go to college, have been working minimum wage or close to minimum wage jobs since high school, and regret it. I also have a couple of friends with college degrees who have never figured out where they're going, and one friend I can think of without a college degree who is super successful, but that's because she's a filmmaker, and she has worked her ass off for it. I believe she actually did go to community college for a bit, though. A couple of my friends who didn't go to college or dropped out have managed to go back and take the other path a few years later, but it takes A LOT more energy to do it.

Anyway, I equally love and respect my friends who did and didn't go to college, and I don't judge whatever people choose to do with their lives. When I was in my early and mid 20s it really felt like there was no difference in success or quality of life between my friends who went and my friends who didn't, but now that we're getting into our 30s, the accumulated effects of those two paths are starting to become really evident. I do have college educated friends who don't know what they're doing, but usually their "I don't know what I'm doing and I hate my life" jobs come with health care and enough money to start a savings account, which in turn enables them to make a career change if they do ultimately figure it out.

Anyway, I don’t want to give you the impression that I’m judging or telling you what to do. I can see that you are exceptionally talented as a writer and a beautiful soul, and I have no doubt that you will be successful at whatever you put your mind to. One funny thing is that when you get past your BA, if you choose to go for an MA or a PhD in the humanities like I did, people tell you it's a terrible idea and are really condescending about it. Like they interrogate you on what you plan to do with your life and why you're wasting your time. It's bizarre how little people respect graduate students. So it can totally go the other way in how people perceive education.


No, I think you're right. Obviously, everything's subjective. There are some people who work really well with college and are happier for it and there are some who do not. There's no universal rule either way, saying that it'll work out (or that it won't) if you do this. Sadly. Maybe things would be a bit easier if there was a magic recipe..
And yeah, maybe my point of view will change in ten years' time, very possible. I mean, I can only speak from the point of view of my own age and like you say, there doesn't seem to be much of a difference. Maybe one will become more obvious with time.

It's bizarre how little people respect graduate students.

Hmmm that is so strange, I agree! I would've never thought people can be like that. I mean, to me, doing an MA or PhD seems like such hard work, you know, I'd be like wow, you already did 3 (or 4, or however many) years studying for your BA and you're going back for more? That is something! I think it takes a lot of determination and hard work, so...:)

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