
Your comment made the time and effort I put in to it worth while! As long as it helped someone, then I'm happy! If you don't mind me asking, what country are you from? I couldn't imagine living in a strict gun regulated area.

Nigeria, one of the reasons is, there have been illegal possession of local made and unregistered guns and this has led to many communal fictions and killings.

Recently, we had an outbreak of people killing masses of people in the name of redemption.

Things like that made it a no-no. However if you are influencial enough (which I am not), you can hold it without any restrictions.

In cases of "snitch" which is very ramphant, a gun holder may be termed "bandit" or at worst "terrorist" and be severely punished

Try googling "boko haram"

Wow, sounds like some serious stuff! I don't think I would enjoy living in an area like that.

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