Belgian Blond Ale

in #homebrew7 years ago

Wow, I almost let this one get away from me without getting a pic! Only about 1/2 gallon left in the keg and I will most definitely be brewing this one again very soon!

Belgian Blond .JPG

I used a base of Vienna Malt out of Germany along with a small addition of White Wheat Malt and even smaller addition Flaked Barley for a little mouthfeel and head retention. I had some Willamette Hops that I need to use up so I used them for bittering, flavor and aroma. Just small hop additions as I did not want them to get in the way of the Malt and Yeast. As for the Yeast I used the WLP500 which makes the claim that it comes from the oldest running Belgian Monastery where the Monks are still making some wonderful brews.

Who doesn't love a monk?
monk drinking.png

Next time I am going to drop the wheat as it took away from the nice golden color just a bit and will instead just go with the Vienna malt and flaked barley. The hop character is almost nonexistent and that is the way I planned it so I will be keeping that the same. I kept the fermentation temperature on the low end for this strain of yeast so the esters are mostly dominant but you get a quick peppery flash on the back of the tongue as it goes down which would be associated with the presence of phenols. I will raise the fermentation temperature up a bit next time to bring out more of the yeast characteristics. Very creamy, touch of fruitiness and a nice dry finish with that short snap of pepper at the end. I am going to hold out on the last half gallon for a while...if I can.

I mashed around 154F and was surprised that the FG came all the way down to 1.010. I harvested enough yeast to do another Blond and also I may possibly design a Belgian Tripple soon that I can enjoy this coming fall. I buy my hops in bulk direct from the grower and the Willamette was the closest thing I had on hand to compliment this particular beer. (It's Rhizome Season!)
My Centennial Hops are wanting it to be Spring even more that I do!

I sure am very happy I chose home brewing as a hobby and have been doing it for over four years now. I have a few ciders under my belt and my second batch of Mead is conditioning in the keg and I should do a write up on that sometime late summer. I may do some "how to brew" videos but honestly there are a ton of them out there already but I may make a video or two in the hopes to dispel some of the very bad advice that is common in home brewing as most people all read the same book. I have never read a book on how to brew but instead listened to the people that were winning the blue ribbons.

I am going to do a time-lapse video of my next starting fermentation, that should be cool to watch! Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you decide to follow please leave a comment.


Sounds utterly refreshing right about now! Nice choice for the brew.

This was my fist Blond and absolutely pleased with it. Yes it is quite refreshing and it went from grain to glass in under a month so I may set up this weekend and do another. I've got a double IPA just ready to drink now and I will do a write up on that one soon so keep on the look-out!

Barely understood anything, despite me being a beer lover. Guess beer brewer is a whole other universe, as it probably should be. That said, I do have a great friend from CA who is also into brewing a lot, and it's so cool to be able to make this magic happen - I had the pleasure of experiencing homebrews when I visited him, and damn! Your skills will be in high demand at the latest once "civilized" society goes down. ;)

Nobody knows how to actually brew stuff today ahaha.

Good post, I prefer them a little longer like this one, with a few pics. Makes me thirsty, but all I got is factory madness beer.

Yeah if the grid ever goes down I am all set for trading. You go ahead and invest in gold if you want but I have enough supplies on hand to make about 100 gallons of both beer and mead. I will be an awesome King

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