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in #home7 years ago

Celebrating America: Where Defeat Shall Have No Dominion
By Jack Davis
on June 30, 2017 at 2:06pm

This Fourth of July is a great day to celebrate being an American.

Gone from the White House is a president who visibly cringed at being connected with the nation that has been the beacon of freedom for generations, the country the world turns to when the going is the toughest, and the nation where a commitment to saving others no matter what the cost to ourselves is reflected in the names on the Wall and the white markers of Arlington.

We did not go gentle into his bleak night.


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In Obama’s place is a president who may — and does — stray outside the prissy lines of protocol but who respects the nation that exists because men and women serve it with dreams that bring them into workplaces with ideas that will not sleep and with commitment to stand tall for their nation so that those who do not fight can live lives safe from a world that seethes with hate.

For despair shall have no dominion.

And if the Congress that accomplished nothing makes the word “politician” come out with a sneer, Americans understand that the greatness of this nation is not in the debating patrician class but in the Georgia boy waiting to turn 18 and enlist in the Marines so he can keep faith with the ones who went before him in Afghanistan’s savage battles; the South Dakota girl who refuses to let the family farm go under because the land is a piece of her soul; and the veteran who this day will button up a uniform jacket knowing it may be the last time, and stand tall and proud under a July sun to testify to the greatness of the dream that is embodied in the word America.

For surrender shall have no dominion.

Tomorrow belongs to them. To the girl born in a Thailand refugee camp who wants nothing more than a chance to claw her way to the top and cannot understand why someone born here wants a handout. To that incomparable man in the White House who stands up to whatever his enemies throw at him and moves inexorably forward to reclaim the land of the American Dream for those who want to truly live it. To the Deplorable who on the Fourth of July will defiantly slap on his “Make America Great Again” hat and stand tall at a town parade because he is proud of who he is and what he believes, even if society scoffs.

For defeat shall have no dominion.

And on this July Fourth we can hear and read again the words of fire that have come to define America:


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“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”

For those politically incorrect Founding Fathers would not go gentle into anyone’s good night.

This is America — where Pilgrims seeking refuge to walk humbly with their God refused to abandon their hope and their faith; where men from Maine died on a Gettysburg hill so generations they never knew could be free; where men and women in uniform today leave behind everything for a cause that is greater than their love of everything else they hold dear; and where, under God, men and women can live free, live proud, and stand tall.

For fear shall have no dominion, and until the last moment the last American on this earth dies, the America that has defied the odds from the day it was founded will not go gentle into anyone’s dark night.

Happy Birthday, my country. God keep those safe who protect you.

Jack Davis is a freelance writer.

The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by the owners of this website.

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