There’s A Mouse In The House!

in #home6 years ago


Well... not anymore.

Home Intruders

Eek! If you’ve had home intruders of any sort before, you know what I mean. Sadly, this isn’t our first intrusion, and probably won’t be our last.

The other day, we were all just sitting around the living room, doing our own thing. The Big Man all of a sudden stops and tells us to hush. “What is that noise? Do you hear that?” Oh I heard it all right. That rustling noise that sends shivers down your whole body knowing the source comes from an inaccessible location.

Later in the day, I hear the Big Man let out unrepeatables as he’s running to one side of the house. “What’s going on?!” “I saw him run this way!” My first instinct is to jump onto the kitchen bench. I’m not taking any chances. (I found one in our washing machine once, yes washing machine. How does a mouse get in there? I about had a heart attack!)

We, I mean the Big Man, looked around for the little bugger, but to no avail. “Maybe we should get an indoor cat,” I suggested. We thought about the idea out loud. “Then we’d have to get a litter box.” “And the couch would get ruined within the first month.” “There would be cat hair everywhere!” Ok, that idea didn’t last long.

We all love kitties, but not indoors. Even my “dog-person” husband likes cats. (Even if he won’t admit it. He nursed our cat back to health before.) Chester, our German Shepherd, won’t allow anything outside a fence to live in our yard. He’s actually caught his fair share of mice, but it’s evident that they aren’t his specialty, nor priority.

Mouse Traps It Is

Pre-baited? Do mice confuse that plastic shaped cheese for actual cheese?

We neared the end of our shopping trip, and wanting to finish quickly, we quickly grabbed the old school standard mouse traps. I hate these things. They get the job done, sure, but you darn near lose a finger trying to set the things!

One common location we found the mice like to venture into is our hot water heater closet. It’s a good spot, because we don’t need to worry about the kids screaming to high heavens when their curiousity gets the best of them.

As the Big Man and I sat in the living room tonight, forgetting all about the set traps, we heard a sharp snap! For a moment, we both looked at each other, then the light bulb went off. He hurried to see if we had success.

As you saw in the picture at the beginning of this post, we will be sleeping with minds at ease tonight. Of course, the trap is set again, should we have any more home intruders..

Have you had any unwelcome pest intrusions in your home? Tell me about it.

I’m hebrewhousewife, and remember, be diligent.


So I really love animals, but mice really freak me out when they are in the house! Thankfully, we do have an indoor cat and haven't seen any inside. The mice do, however, like to live out around and inside the chicken coop. Maybe I need to take an armful of caulk out there and start filling holes. The cat does hang around out there and catch quite a few. Good luck!

I used to think those pet mice in pet stores were cute... and then I grew up and started getting mice in my house. Eek!
Chalk?! I’ve never thought of that one. We use steel wool in some places.


Nice! Mouse hunting is the best. There was a guy on YouTube that I used to watch. He would feature and test all sorts of mouse traps. I could watch his videos for hours.

How many different mouse traps can there possibly be? Lol. I think I like these old school ones. Then you know right when you have one. Otherwise we might forget and it will start to smell 😨

There's hundreds! All the way back in time, he would look up old patents and recreate old traps.

I wonder what on earth made him want to do that? Lol

I don't know, but I literally spent an entire day once watching him, so it worked hahahah

Matthias Wandel!!! Love his channel, though it's been changing of late. But that happens.

I have never had a rodent intrusion before. I don't think it is that common where I live. I guess the mice aren't that motivated since it doesn't snow here. Anyway, we do have a pet hamster, who I have a strange affection for. The little twitching whiskers, the beady eyes, so darling - spoken by someone that has never had a mouse invasion. I have so many fears of the little fellow escaping. Lol.

Now that temps are getting cold, they know they need to find somewhere warm to stay during the winter.
I had a few hamsters myself, growing up. They often found a way out of their cages. It is crazy how they manage to climb their way up walls and crawl through small little openings!

No more wondering if you caught a mouse with one of these fancy mouse traps :)

Woooow, there is no limit to what they will develop an app for, is there? I think we’ll stick to the wood snappers. At least I know they will still work in a power outage!

howdy there hebrewhousewife! haha! scared of a cute little mouse, come on! you're a farm girl..geez. well those suckers are nasty little critters though, we have to keep all the vehicles in the garage here because the mice will get into the car, the engine compartment and chew up the wiring and build nests on the engine or get into the interior of the car. it's insane here.

Sounds like my husband’s problem with the trucks in the shed. Mice are always getting in. And how do they get in?? Do you set traps?

howdy there hebrewhousewife! sorry it took so long to get back to you I sort the comments in order of importance ya see. lol. just teasing!
you would be right at the top if I did that.
But they get in through the air vents and anything not sealed up perfectly tight like where wiring goes from the cab to the engine compartment.

We put poison on top of the engine because they usually build the nests there, well we also put it on the sides because they build them there too at least on ours. they suck. poison has always worked better for us if it's out in the cars or in the garage. I think it gets more of them whereas a trap just gets one at a time.

In order of importance you say? Janton, I’m surprised you manage to reply back to any comment, for as many as you must get!
Using poisen would make me nervous. What if they died while in our walls. Can you imagine??

well lol. hebrewhousewife you will always be at the top of my list no mater how busy I get, if I know you've written.- but alot of the time I don't keep close track using Ginabot do you? thing constantly going off and you go over there and don't see anything different.

So I usually don't see who's written back until I start going through the comments hours later. anyway ..the poison..yes the way that works is if I remember right it drives them nuts for water, they have to have water so they go outside to find it and die because when they drink it kills them so they're usually outside when they die, we've never had them die in the house or garage.

but yeah as far as commenting I'm trying to keep up with about 200 people a day, commenting and going to their sites, reading, so it can't really be done and that's why it may take me a few days to get to your blog. I average about 200 comments per day but that's not 200 people it's just back and forth for some of the people hopefully.

You probably thought I disappeared with how it’s taken for me to get back to you! I don’t use Ginabot. I thought about using the bot at one point, but then found out steemworld had what I was looking for.

Oh I didn’t realize that’s how it works. Good to know you don’t have dead mice in your house!

well that's unfortunate that you deliberately choose to be so amateurish by not having Ginabot. lol. yeah the mice...never had a problem yet because that would take along time for the smell to get out if ever! lol.

There WAS a mouse in the house!!! haha glad you got it!
And what is with the very last line? Did you come up with a catch phrase/line?

No Simms, there are still mice in the house. We caught 2 more since this one here. Eek!
Yes, I was thinking of using that as a closing line. I’m still thinking about it though.

OH MAN!!! SET MORE TRAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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