I Might Just Scream (Hot Water Heater Went Out)

in #home6 years ago

Everything seems to break at exactly the wrong time. The pilot light on the hot water heater won’t stay lit suddenly. I researched into it and it seems like thermocouples go out often. It is an $11 part at Home Depot. Basically what it does is stops the flow of gas if the pilot light goes out so gas doesn’t keep building up and causes an explosion.
I took everything apart and decided to just clean the soot off to see if it would work then. That didn’t work so I took it back apart and couldn’t get the clip off to get the thermocouple out. It was super annoying. Finally I got the new thermocouple in from Home Depot and figured it would probably work but it still didn’t work. It was super annoying.
Just the other day my pool pump quit as well and I had to replace the capacitor on top of that.
The annoying thing about that repair is that I just replaced that 8 months ago.

Does anyone know what could be the issue with the hot water heater pilot light not staying on if it isn’t the Thermocouple?
Im just going to be out here screaming at the top of my lungs like a 12 year old girl at a haunted house on Halloween.


@brianphobos , our very own Bob Villa. I wish I were handier to handle this type of stuff on my own, I'm sure an HVAC company would charge a couple hundred bucks for this $11 fix.

NOw that your selling your house I have my fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for you but if it's anything like every other house sale I've ever been a part of or been witness to everything that's been fine for the past few years will all decide to go out prior to selling lol

I can work on quite a few things but of course it takes me a lot longer than someone who specializes in it everyday. It gets kind of brutal to be honest with you trying to fix all this stuff. Right now there is a home inspector here and I feel like 20 more things will break that I didn't even know about just in him testing everything out.

Do you have an offer already or you just being proactive seeing what issues they find?

I have an offer that I accepted.

Congrats man. What are you doing after you sell it? I think I remember you saying you were heading out to Seattle for a while?

I will head home to Indiana for a bit and then possibly Seattle. We will see. One thing I know I'm going to be doing is not worrying about bills as much for a little bit at least. :-)

hehe here in my town the heater is the sun, we have tanks on top of the houses and the water comes boiling, I do as your start to scream je je

Yeah, some people heat their pools that way here. They run pipes up on the roof.

if it's amazing how it gets too hot, you have to be careful because if you do not burn

My hubs is an astrologer, and I tend to eye roll at a lot, but by golly, when a Mercury Retrograde comes around (which we are just about over thank sweet baby Jesus) everything goes wrong and we end up doling out tons of money for broken shit. Without fail. Every time.

Yeah it can get really bad with all the repairs that can come up. I am able to do a lot myself but in the end it can still be a nightmare to try to fix everything.

Great, always in the mornings and at night I bathe with hot water.

I don't so much need the hot water right now because the water is so hot coming out of the ground.

Now you know how tasty it is to bathe with hot water, hehe.

Yeah, the good thing is that here in Arizona the water is so hot coming out of the ground that I barely notice it right now.

Still summer, right. Still time to fix before Halloween.

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