Shab-e-Baratah is the night of great salvation and the night of acceptance of prayer. 1 year power budget will be sought. Use them. ^

in #holy6 years ago

Asalamu Alaikum. How are you all
Many days later I shared an Islamic education post. So let's start
===== ♦♦♦ =====?
Tomorrow morning on the 1st of May, the sun sets in the morning
Whenever there will be an extravagant sunshine, it will emerge tomorrow and next
Tomorrow is the night till sunrise on Tuesday
The majestic beauty will remain unused. Mercifully this night is Allah's great
To seek forgiveness from sin
Night Ramna Shab-e-Barat or the Night of Release.
♦ mid-shaban
Is the 15th of Arabic Shaban, which is in the Indian subcontinent
Among the Muslims, Shab-e-Barat or Shab-e-
A fair night celebrated by Barat
'Shab-e-Barat' is the sum of two words. The first word is 'shaw' in Persian, which means night
The night The second word is 'Barat' Arabic word,
Which means release. Thus, Shab-e-Barot means the night to release the money. In Bengali language
The word is used and used, which means fortune,
Fortunate In this case, Shab-e-Barot will mean luck. Different places of the world
Muslims observe it for a variety of reasons
Do it.But in one country this glorious
The name of the night is different. In Iran and Afghanistan, Shabar quoted Niseph
Shaban, Nisfu to Malaysian speakers
To this Shaban and Arabic speakers, this blessed night is named Nisof Shaban
Known. In some areas
Laylatul Prayers are also called. This night in our country is 'Shababrat' and 'Laylatul'
Known as barat. Hazrat Imam Baggi
Rahmatullahi has said,
(From Muhammad ibn Maysara Ibn Akhafah Rahmatullahi alaihi)
He said, Habeebullah sir pak
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said,
Shaban decides death till the month
Is given.Even the people who marry, in that year, how many children from her
His list and his will will be born
The death list is also prepared
The half-yearly Shabana night of the year, ie in Shabbirat
♦ Hadith is mentioned in Sharif, (Hazrat
Ali 'alaihis salam bin' narrated from him) He said, Sayyidul
Mursale, Imamul Mursail, Khatamun
Nabi Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam
Said, "When Shabban's fifteen dates
When the night will come, then you will say
Prayer during the night and fast on the day. For sure
Allah Pak is the night of that
During sunset, the earth came to the sky, that means, it was revealed by grace.Then he declared, "no pardon
What are you praying I will forgive him. "" No provision
What are you praying me him
I will give the provision. "" No one is distressed
What are you people I will remove his misery. "This is the declaration till Fajr
"Subhan Allah! (Ibn
Majah, Mishkat) has been given in the Hadith Sharif - 'Those 14 Shaban
They will worship in the night
Release The person who performs the fast on the next day, the fire of hell is his
Do not touch 'Pubito on this night
The importance of Virtue and Worship is immense.
Prophet Karim (S) himself spent half of the night under sijdah.
This has been narrated in Hadith
That is, the angel Gabriel came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said to him, 'O Allah!
Messenger! You get up, read prayers and
Pray to Allah. Because it is the night of the 14th Shaban. This night Allah
A hundred tricks for his servants
Open the doors. You are your
Pray for the Ummah. But drug addicts, drug addicts, ranchers, magicians,
Conscious, miserable, and disobedient to parents
Pardon pardoners, apologizing for gays and jealous people
do not do. Doing for them is Allah's
Punishment is prescribed, these people have to repent and do their own bad deeds
Apologies for this night until you leave
do not do.
♦ There is no verse related to the Shab-e-Barat in the Qur'an but it is not
In relation to the hadeeth in Sharif
There are: "Certainly the prayer is confirmed in five nights. Such as: (1)
On the first night of the month of Rajab, (2)
(3) On the night of Qadr, (4) Eid al-Fitr's night, (5) Eid al-Adha
At night. " In addition to Sihah Sittah or
None of the holy six-hadith books
The Hadith of the specialty of this night is described in a hadith.
Also in the other Hadith texts
Night specifications are found. This night is mentioned by Imam Tirmidhi
It is found in the hadith narrated by
According to the hadith, one night, Aisha (R) got up from the sleep, but Prophet Mohammad
[Saw] did not see the bed. He
He came out to seek the Prophet (S) and then
He found him in the rest of the cemetery in Jannatul. The Prophet said, 15
Allah is the lowest in the night of Shawan
Descended into the sky and the fishermen of the Arab tribes]
For more people than to work
Forgive me It is worth mentioning that at that time the Kalhab tribe was famous in celebrating goats and
They had lots of goats. This hadith
Imam Tirmidhi mentioned below,
"It is known that Hadrat Abu Bakr also related this hadith. I am
(Imam Tirmidhi) I heard Imam Bukhari
[RA] As one of the narrators of this hadith, Zayed (weak or less)
Was acceptable). "It is said on the basis of
Or, this hadith is not entirely acceptable, but it is not false. This is true
There is a possibility. According to the Fiqh scholars,
If Zayed Hadith is not contrary to the Qur'an,
It is either accepted or not.The Prophet (pbuh) hadith and renowned
The scholars and Olamas and commentators
Mentioned the significance of Shababrata and the magnificence of this night.
About this night, Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Ershad, this night the sins of the worshipers Allah Allah
He forgave them. However
Only those who are ineligible for forgiveness
With Allah, Shirk, Magician, Sorcerer, Miser, Sherabi
(Alcoholic), jealous and father-
Mother in distress. In another hadith narrated,
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Jibril
(Peace be upon him) said to me, tell your followers, that they should
Shababrat keeps the night alive. That means
They should spend in worship
Gives. The Prophet (peace be upon him) in another hadith
Said, '70 in the sky this night
Thousands of angels came to the earth and returned and worshiped the worshipers
And see their worship. '
Hadith has come, 'Who will worship Shaban on the night of the 15th of the night
And fasting on the day, hell
The fire can not touch him. '
The main purpose of celebrating holy Shaw is to worship in the night
The next day is great after keeping the fasting fast
Allah Pak and his Messenger, Nur Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak
Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam's
To achieve satisfaction. ♦ Sacred Shaw
There are some prayers to be performed
Holy Qur'an and Holy Sunnah
Sharif was not specified among them. But to worship worship
Mubarak instructed and instructed
Has been there. For example, * Prayers of Shabbat will be performed. 4, 8,
12 rakayat Two two rakayat

  • The Prayer of the holy Chalatu Tasbeeh will be read, by which the sin of the human beings
  • The holy Tahajjud prayer will be, which is
    By is the proximity of Allah Pak's proximity.
  • The holy Qur'an will recite,
    By which Allah is pleased with the blessings of Allah.
  • Mirza Sharif, Qiam Sharif and Darood
    Sharif will read, through which Allah Pak and His Messenger, Muhammad,
    [S:] Its satisfaction is achieved.
  • Pure Zikir-Aadhar, whose
    By Dil Islaah.
  • Visiting the graveyard, by which death is remembered and sacred Sunnah
  • The charity will be donated to the poor and the poor
    Feeding people After all, the whole night passed
    It is necessary to do the holy Zakir-Fakir,
    Through the Istigafar So that Allah Pak and His Messenger, Nur Mujassam,
    Habibullah Huzur Pak is the Prophet Muhammad
    The gratification of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was achieved. And the Holy Shabbay
    There is a complete blessing of Allah Pak
    The best way to profit or not
    Medium Prophet Muhammad [Sr.] Alaihis Salam His holy face is Mubarak
    From the Socrata awakened and holy
    Sunnah Mutabik Mqbabul Doa, Makabbul Munajat Sharif to be a partner in him,
    Holy in very good and simple way
    Spend the night in worship and keep fasting the next day.
    Hadith is narrated in Sharif, that is
    The person is 14 Shaban night prayers
    By earning, all his sins will be forgiven and like a newly born newborn baby
    It will be sacred to sin. That person 15
    Shawana day will keep fast, he will be released from hell fire. At the
    No limit on the worship of the night or
    There is no rule of determination. Like other Nafl prayers, 2 rakayata
    Salat of Nafl prayers at the same time
    If you are doing Shab-e-Barat prayers
    Can be Along with the prayers of the virtuous Shabbat, the Qur'an and Hadith reads
    And the different types of prayers- Durood and Tasbih-
    Although Tahlil and Zikir, there is enough goodness available.
    Allah Almighty Allah
    Many Suras of the Holy Qur'an declares, 'I am omniscient,
    The Hearing and the Mighty
    Again, 'I am the Most Merciful and
    Forgive. "Allah has repeatedly forgiven our sins.
    But pray for forgiveness for that sin
    We have not been able to understand that as a man in Allah's court, it is great
    Allah pardons that sin
    Gave. But forgiveness for those crimes has been asked or is being done
    If those who pray for forgiveness again
    Commit crime; Then its east
    Forgiveness should be abolished and therefore the person asking for forgiveness for that
    Sincerity is even more heavy
    Will be In the court of Allah Rabbin al Amin pray for forgiveness of that person
    The door may be closed.
    ♦ So, let us, in this blessed night, to Allah Almighty Allah Almighty
    We forgive our sins
    Use the maximum opportunity. this
    Many fireworks at night It's an improper job. In Islam's view it is
    Bedad work. This night,
    Engage yourself in the service. To Allah Almighty Allah
    Pray for the welfare of all people
    I am doing With that Allah Almighty Allah is my enemy
    Pardon them with guideline
    Please. Lots of sleeping tonight
    For the people of Fajil who on this night disobeyed Allah, stealing, robbery,
    Rahazani, bribe in corruption
    Allaah Pak has given us all according to the purifying ceremony
    Donate to Taufiq. All around the world
    It is possible to get all the blessing on the holy shower of Muslims
    Wish! Amin!
    thanks to everyone.

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