in #hollywood6 years ago

The #Pedogate arrests are ramping up and reaching all the way to some elite names now. Today, Clare Bronfman the heir to the Seagram's liquor fortune was arrested for what is likely to be revealed as her role in the NXIVM human trafficking operation. Meanwhile, a small time Hollywood actor is naming big names as specifically being pedophiles.

Get the whole story from Black Pilled:
Hollywood Actor: "It's Worse Than You Think"


Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for standing with me. And thanks for your continued prayers and support. God Bless.

▶️ DTube

Sean, you have no rights on YouTube. You are using their platform to spread your message. Of course they can censor you.

The best way to defeat YouTube is not to use it. Use and promote another platform that can not censor you.

It becomes difficult to feel empathy, when you appear to assert that you have some perceived right over what YouTube should be doing for you.

Hmm, the second video is not working for me. Perhaps more YouTube shenanigans?

You are better off helping to create other platforms. Bad example. They are not a common carrier or a public utility. They sell advertising. Another platform has to be created. We can't just play the victim.

Sean...we are with you brother. Doing all i can to share and tweet at those F&%K$ over at youtube. God bless SGT Report

Sean, youtube should not be trying to censor anyone. But I find it concerning to hear you think legislation would fix this problem. Government does not solve problems they only create them. Youtube censorship is a symptom of a much larger problem caused by government, and to hear you want to tread on the constitution's bill of rights is most concerning.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech," "SHALL MAKE NO LAW." It is the red line that all tyrants cross.
Your research is excellent, keep up the good work. Thanks

sorry but you should have backed up those videos. you knew they are assholes. but keep fighting. you are doing a good job.

Will not play. I wish Steemit and Dtube would get this issue resolved. It's been happening for many months to way too many videos!

Thanks Sean and don't stress about Goolag removing your work the truth will always prevail and I am sure there will be something better than YouTube in the future...

NO VIDEO ⁉️ Maybe DTUBE is censoring ME because I found a link between them and FREEMASON witches ⁉️4EF45BFB-D7C0-4615-9BBF-5EF48F5542F1.jpeg SAME DAM LOGO . I mean they didn’t even try to hide it ⁉️🤨. Glad I got your attention DTUBE . After two days issues fixed folks , so stand down . Thats an order ❗️They just cut your channel SEAN to put up flat earth and hollow earth SHIT ⁉️ They’re going to either become a utility as the gentleman suggested , or die like MySpace did . Now get back in there and FIGHT❗️

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