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in #holiday6 years ago


Bom Dia!

Check out was at midday. Our flight is at 8pm. There were no late check-outs available because the hotel was turning around 165 rooms today including ours. So I'm sitting in the bar, enjoying the price of STEEM/SBD/BTC and getting back in the swing of writing down what's going on in my head.

It's also pouring with rain, which is a lovely way to finish a holiday, but a bit disappointing for all those people who are arriving today. There are many glum faces around, especially those who have small children and don't have the option of letting them run wild outside for once.

It's been a successful break for me. I have stopped thinking about all the things that usually dominate. I've slept well. Breakfast has been open until 11am every day so we got into the habit of me going down at 9 and Mrs D joining me at 10. This gives her more time to snooze and get up and me more time to sip my coffee and read the papers. I haven't read so much "news" for years. The only readable English paper was the FT, so I've been seeing how the other half think.

I've spent more time lying by the pool than actually in the pool. I've had a bit of sun. We haven't explored locally at all, I think this is the most time I've ever spent in one place, even when we took the kids to Disneyland the hotel was separate from the park and the rest of the resort. Here we've moved betwen room, restaurants, spa and outdoor pool. Yesterday we managed to get down to the beach, which had amazing sandstone cliffs.


We also ventured into the "zona commerciala" (supermarket, closed bars and restaurants and gift shops) so at least we can say we saw a little of the local environs.

It looks like we've missed the best of the English weather for the next week. I was looking forward to cutting the grass tomorrow, but we'll have to see how that goes.


Mmmm hotel breakfasts.

Sounds like you've had the perfect break @lloyddavis. Shame about the timing for the weather! 😂

We've thunder storms forecast for tonight so just about to go to the beach AGAIN 😁 and made the most of it.

Safe travels home 💙

So does your soul feel born again after spending time on holiday?

This cliffs look amazing!!!
Room... restaurants...spa... Pool.

Sounds like the perfect Vaca to me ;)
Hope you enjoyed refueling and will be ready to transition back into real life hehehe

I hate it when they have no spare rooms and you have to lounge about but without the comfort. Sometimes they still don't have them available even if you pay. I try and avoid return night flights just for this reason.

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