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RE: Entry for the Hobby Hub Challenge - Miniature Origami using flower petals

in #hobbyhub7 years ago

Amazing origami :o can you tell me how you press the petals and cut out a square, i can make pretty tiny ones myself :3


Hi @ivan-g, I love modular origami and tessellations but I have always found it very difficult to do. I think I was done a few of the more basic roses but that's about as far as I got. What are you studying at university at the moment? I'd love to see pictures of your tiny origami work, and you might be interested in Stacie Tamaki's tinygamis at

There is no secret to pressing the petals but you have to adjust the amount of time you press them depending on the thickness and the moisture. I use think stock blotting paper but type of paper is fine as long as the ink doesn't transfer to the petals, and you just have to check to see when you need to replace the paper if it gets too wet and can cause the petals to go moldy. I have only tried this one rose petals, orchid petals and beetroot leaves and the time varies a bit so you do have to experiment.

As for cutting I use scalpels as it is impossible to cut them into small squares without a very sharp blade. Again you'll have to be careful with the petals because it is easy to tear them in the process of cutting or folding. I don't know of anyone else that has done this before so I do hope you take up the challenge because I need someone to swap tips and share ideas with :)

I study psychology, glad you checked out my stuff, I can't wait to try this out, im working on a peace crane post (for about 4 days now), ill definitely make a tiny origami one, love working with small papers especially if I'm low on resources, (at uni or out and only have receipts or scraps) I havent tried petals but I did try raw leaves from trees before xD cant wait to see your posts and ill check out tinygami <3 ps. Tell me what you find difficult about tesselations and modular, I'll tell you some tips and tricks ive learned over time

I am trying to create workshops for people to improve their mental health and well being through creative activities like origami and other forms of art, so I'd love to chat more if you are studying psychology and also interested in origami!

I think like most people who are origami beginners I have a lot of trouble with the instructions for tessellations and it is one of those things that I need someone to sit through and explain it to me without paper instructions or videos (or at least start from something easier).

I have tried the kawasaki rose before and have tried to read some of Eric Gjerde's explanations yet somehow my brain just doesn't process tessellation in the same way that I do with other instructions, so anything that you have in the way of tips and tricks will be much appreciated :p

Even if you started with some simple tessellation models (and I mean very basic) so I can work my way up to something more complex would be great, it is not always easy to find models and instructions on the internet.

No problem, on my way home now, 1am, so i can show some easier stuff tomorrow, have a few models in mind, always up for a chat and I teach origami in highschool for 4 years now so I have some experience explaining steps :D you can pm me on discord -Killua#04868

You seem to have one of those names that doesn't come up on the Discord search :p Are you in any other groups that I might know about? My Discord id is: plushzilla #1634

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Got it thanks!

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