Is life getting you down? Finding yourself to busy to live; then make yourself even busier with a hobby ! ! !

in #hobby8 years ago

Life is tough, and then you die . . .

Consider a flower of a tree; biologically they are stuck wherever they are rain, cold, heat; all beat down on the lifeform until the end of its days . . . Humans get to hide from nasty things like rain or the cold, but while we have made our lives incredibly comfortable, we also have become so busy we do not have time to live.


When was the last time you caught up with family (the ones you care to be around) or friends ? When was the last time you laid down and tried to find bunny rabbits or bears in the space clouds? Had a foot massage lately? We have lost the ability to " switch off ". How do you find some ' me time ' in this new age " me " generation ?


People have work, sucky supervisors, traffic snarls, bills and long wait times at the checkouts. Now what do you do ? why not be like me, I drift off into my hobby, I think about the little things that give me pleasure. Now obviously eight percent of the population have an addiction to sex, and while sex is good exercise why not find something else to think about; like a hobby you can enjoy with your clothes on ! ! !

Now the hard bit, what types of things give you pleasure; remember we need something we personally find enjoyable; something you would do for free and for relaxation. So let us find some criteria . . .

Should be legal, ethical and morally acceptable as well as family tolerable if not family friendly,

Aim for it to be easily available, not many people can get to the snow fields year round to enjoy skiing,


Little cost, imagine your partners reaction when you announce you are taking up hot air ballooning with a $75,000 buying setup cost : ) Of course jet boating or drag racing should only set you back around 150,000 ! ! !

Safe ; there is no use taking up parachuting and then spending 6 months off work with a massive leg injury,


Heaps of other participants, sure jigsaw puzzles can be a solo event but poker or chess usually need more people than just yourself,

Something away from technology, scrapbooking is good since it crags you away from the computer monitor screen; 99 percent of people spend to much time on the internet,

Physical activity, something like map reading (orienteering) something that requires some amount of exercise and is not as stupid as trying to hit a little white ball into a small hole a long way away . . .


I love Astronomy but unfortunately my local climate sucks as far as watching space goes, you want open skies and low lights,

Something you can do at 3am or 3pm or whenever you wish, like paracord weaving or knife making or creating find jewelry with a blow torch.


Whatever you want make sure it is what you want to do and research it and visit some groups before you outlay any capital investments. No one is going to love you if you buy a kayak and it gets used once a year . . .

Learn to do yourself a favor, learn to switch off, learn to imagine things like when oyu were a kid. If at all possible make Sunday ( or another day ) zero technology, no cell phone no mobile trackings, no internet no cable television.


Honestly, truly ; seriously you will not die to leave all those magnetic electrical radiation waves alone for a whole day ! ! ! Maybe even go completely crazy and pick up a B-O-O-K ! ! !

This book was a best seller in England, TRUTH !

( What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex ) [ its a really fast read ! ! ! ]

Thank You Pixabay for the images ...

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