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RE: Does anyone have an aquarium here?
nice one man! could you post the details of the tank as well? like size and volume and also what kind of fish you have in there?
nice one man! could you post the details of the tank as well? like size and volume and also what kind of fish you have in there?
Thanks! The aquarium has 750l (250x50x60), and the fish are: scalar(10) , Epalzeorhynchos bicolor and frenatus(10), Crossocheilus Siamensis(2) , Puntius denisonii( +/- 25), Farlowella acus(1 ;c 3 died), Corydoras paleatus(+/- 15), Poecilia reticulata and Xiphophorus hellerii (20-30), Paracheirodon innesi(50-100 :D) and +/- 10 gouramis. I think It's all :D (sorry for the names and language)