Hoarding in the digital age... take two

in #hoarding7 years ago

I wrote about this subject many months ago. I was raised by a family that while not wealthy did tend to hoard all kinds of nick knacks. My grandmother on my father's side being undoubtedly the worst as she had some property to put the various broken down cars, and sheds full of things she hoarded on. She lived in a trailer on the property, but loaded it up with all kinds of things. At one point she would have been like one of those places the reality show American Pickers might drive up and try to deal with her on things.

I had this some too. I collect books. I also collected music, then later movies, etc.

These are all things that take up quite a bit of space and are a pain if you move and have to keep packing them around. It is also a little heart breaking to determine that a box of like 20 DVDs I likely paid $100+ on to purchase in some cases I cannot even give away.

The digital world began to change this. Though the hoarding did not go away.

MP3s. I was using MP3s before the entire napster thing, and really it is the only way I really keep music any more. I do have a box of really hard to find old cassettes and CDs but, most of those have been given or thrown away by now. We have also gotten rid of most of our DVDs except for a few collections like the collectors editions of the Lord of the Rings and such.

I pretty much download everything I watch now whether it is TV shows, movies, etc. Yes, we have Netflix, we have cable for my wife's parents who live with us, we have amazon prime, etc. Yet I don't really use their services. I tend to torrent whatever I want and stick it on a server in my garage to watch at my leisure. I can easily horde a lot of material this way, yet the amount of physical space it occupies does not increase.

Plex server currently has 1174 movies on it

Over 32000 music tracks

Over 4900 different episodes of various TV shows

My personal steam account (I purchase for other family members as well) has over 1430 games

My Gog.com collection has over 260 games on it

My Daz Studio has over 880 products

The Unity Asset Store I've purchased MANY things... it doesn't keep a running total

It has taken me years to hoard this stuff. I am not a wealthy person. I am simply very good at hunting for deals, having patience, and buying bundles. I accumulated a lot of this at about $50/mo buying things.

What I have definitely come to realize as the hoarding has not gone away. It has simply moved to digital space. Am I going to use all of this? Most likely not, but it was a good deal and I tell myself that "I might use it, and when I want to use it it may not be on sale or I may not have the money". That is pretty much always my excuse.

My game purchases for myself have slowed down. I still buy a game occasionally but I realized I have tons of games I want to play that I haven't gotten to. The longer I wait to buy another while I focus on the ones I already have the less it will cost me then.

I still buy bundles and games for other family members. I made a guest computer and steam account for my house about a month ago and started loading it up with all the spare game keys I had sitting around. That one is already up to 169 games and ends up being a good deal as different family members will play on it.

Though I still am very aware of my hoarding. It is always based upon some contingency plan.

One thing I can say is steemit.com has made this far easier for me. I haven't needed that $50/mo since I started using steemit. I tend to get that or more every month that I spend towards my hoarding. The DAZ and Unity stuff at least are tools for projects, and I've also been known from time to time to enhance my steemit posts using them.

Yet, I do believe the age of the digital hoarder is here. If I had to physically store this stuff I'd need a small warehouse.


I don't really hoard movies or music - but yeah - I do have over 500 games in my steam account!

Accumulation of stuff. Instead of having nuts bolts and screws in a shed; it is now digital ones and zeros!

Great to see you have Age of Decadence. It got a really cool flare and mechanics.

To be honest I am no hoarder, quite the opposite. I have about 50 games on steam and I watch my movies and serious as online streams. The only thing I ever regret giving away were my Magic cards :(.

On another note, I might become pol-trail. Is there anything important about the trails that you can tell me as a veteran? Maybe some juicy stories from the past? :D

I bought it yesterday I think at your recommendation... it was on sale. :)

:D Yes it was my recommendation. It is really unique in his way. It is kind of short but you can complete the game in very different ways that will have a huge impact on how the game progresses. It also has some flaws, but I think it is much more in line with classic RPGs. All these Ego Shooters nowadays calling themselves RPG just because they have a skill tree implemented....

I hope you enjoy it.

I have quite a lot of Magic Cards too. :)

I remember I had such a strong red+green deck... Well, I started to play Magic Online, but it is just not the same...

Yeah @virtualgrowth offered to sell my Magic Online cards for a commission, but my collection there is not likely worth enough to make it worth the effort.

I have no intentions of selling my physical cards at the moment of which I likely own close to 20,000 or so.

I just read a book about hoarding and tidying up. Getting rid of old things that haven't been used in months. Best thing I ever did for myself!!! I want to hoard cryptocurrencies now!!!

Path of Exile deserves more than 28 hours, also big update coming in the next couple of months, 3 or 4 more acts.
For those unaware it's free to play and incredible.

That is the GUEST account that I created for family/friends to use within the last month. So family and friends have played that 28 hours along with the other activity in that screenshot within the last month.

Actual family members with their own accounts have played it far more than that...

One of them playing it right now:

That's more like it :) I'm probably only half of that myself.
I only play hardcore. If a char dies, they get deleted and I start someone new.

That son plays a lot of Hardcore with another son of mine.

I've only played it myself a little bit. I appreciate it, especially as a free title, and I really liked how they did their skill tree. Yet, I make games, work, write on steemit, and own too many damn games... so I haven't spent a lot of time on it myself.

There's no going back. Softcore feels so pointless now. Like playing poker for matchsticks.
You walk into a crowd of enemy with 50 hours of character development at stake, that's gaming. It's more realistic too.

Yeah some games I've made in the past people requested PERMA DEATH options which I added in and that was easily a decade ago. :)

Diablo III's reticence around permadeath was one of the many reasons I looked elsewhere. Such a pity, as Diablo II was my life for so long.
The Grinding Gear guys express similar sentiments.

I would tend to say that digital hoarding is far less harmful than tangible objects- and you're merely inconveniencing a few electrons right?

Yeah and this is partially how I justify it. :P

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