It gets exhausting

in #hm3 years ago (edited)

having to turn back on myself every time i'm not watching me for 5 minutes ...

So this was the real day


A flaw in the design of hell. The only thing worth looking at is the sky so that actually makes you want to be there not here, or maybe it's deliberate, to create longing and false hope, after all : you can NOT have eternal hell without hope ... it would quickly lose its power.

Decided to risk life and limb by going "on-site" for the groceries ... those censored at Aldi talk big about installing cashierless stores (soon even your mcDonalds job will be owned by flippy

thats no joke, if it can do burgers it can do fries, pancakes, make coffee, tap beer and about everything else that is just a mechanical action requiring a certain amount of finess. It doesnt eat, doesnt sleep, doesnt want a union. Legally its probably not even an employe (so in belgium that means 100% less cost PLUS you already dont have to pay the wage)

so it seems inevitable ... on top of that the "breed more" policies (to boost the economy and pension funds) combined with unstoppable automation will lead to a problem ten times the size of what its now, unless everyone goes back to living in a cave and hunter-seeking ... or we could should homeless for meat since there will be plenty. What goes on in the heads of the "breed-more" politicians ?

well, they just "dont think" just like 95% of all humanity they go by what they know and interpolation without questioning. Thats how one remark by anthony fauci led to the global concept of "herd immunity = 70%" (for society, not even the species) ... while it doesnt really apply to human societies but it does to animal herds

o dear, this is way too savvy

And i was saying : Aldi talks big about cashierless stores (to provide "even cheaper" not questioning where the money to buy has to come from) but after 2 years of covid they STILL DONT DELIVER AT HOME

.. unbelievable

Personally, it feels like every time there's two coherent words it starts pushing voor een baas en buiten spelen en push-to-talk ... and we , none of it, dont wanna . It leads to friction and ab-errant behaviour the likes you see in brainwashed sleepers ... it should probably scare me but the solution is simple : avoid humans

and THEY dont wanna

so until i get me back i certainly wont get my life back and whatever THEY offer doesnt even sound like a consolation prize to what they took and stole and kept and locked and WE DONT WANNA, if its not our life the fuck it, just sit here til i die

then .. lost the files for Unasieh

the original ... she's a citizen in the worldiverse (not an npc, but citizen its a difference)

and since there's nothing to do but wait and rot or else comply and suck censored for scraps the story lives

its not a story its a world and it would actually require and archlinux guru to compile a specific server OS , linked to a LAMP machine as a gatewey in order to work but also directly accessible from the client.

So ...

But actually the new-and-improved-version is starting to shape up and maybe the files are somewhere in the terabyte soup .... its always possible. We are not "a structure" ( = lol yaaa)

And after all , originally (well originally it was shell scripting zork-on-steemit) it's just needed for the facial expressions, getting a warhammer-class game out is probably a bit much for 60 people in one body who get interrupted all the time.

So she's kinda pretty, slightly not meh, but for the love of life cant remember how the hair went (another perk , it only happens "in the zone" ... we not "a structure" after all)

And then, since theres a gtx 970 in the elder devrig right now we could aim for "1080p" unigine so someone decided to scrap the code and do it ALL in unigine .... that would be progress, right ?

and also not mainstream since its not "one of the two"

good good good ...

not that it matters since it will probably never get finished anyway and keep agk for the demoez, snippets , apps on the side and what not - dantesladder

keeping busy is really important when they're trying to hijack your head


thinks its the studio-light setup ... hard to say for a rank amateur but the skin complexion doesnt get to where it was either

An accidental derivative that seems suited more to Bullettooth Hannah (should i TM this without money b/f crotter or the bangbros steal it ? o warner, RIGHT, WARNER , the guys who sue your little sister for having a harry potter fanfest cosplaying , those guys)

bullettooth hannah dan maar.png

a bit of a l'Oreal foam commercial here perhaps

the road to new-unasi.png

but actually in anime i see women who are physically impossible to not topple over due to the weight load division on their bodies (if you know what i mean)

the road to new-unasi2.png

the endgame is like "square dreadlocks" as in the original ... this just looks more detailed, maybe its b/c its blender 2.93 not 2.81 anymore now that one wants to run


(and a lot of sleeping)

in de hoop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geinformeerd

who cares about that anarplex file , its been around as long as bitcoin

they're not even on the dark web (well ... they ARE, as well ... but ... nevermind)

goed, just one post every seven days with a loaders screen until further notice, back to square zero

another reset


that's a 50 liter backpack, made for assault training i think lol, got it at a bargain (actually was a gift by the mother - dont have a car, you see)

take that thing to aldi and back, filled to the brim until nothing more could fit in it in the store (about €52, it WAS about €38 not SO long ago but no one seems to think its already happening, everyones worried about the inflation TO COME ... i pay that much more for the same backpack full on average ALREADY ... I DO NOTICE since "its not "just a 100 euros" here)

if you do that you will know where your legs and shoulders are ... at least one sense of accomplishment, sadly a bit closer to via dolorosa than sports but since i been home-training it feels a lot lighter since last time


the w.i.p. videos will be removed likely since none of us are youtubers who go ass-up for the money (its just not possible, even if it werent belgium THAT still wouldnt be possible - it goes against the grain, no disrespect to anyone who does but there's 95% bs .. which makes it like any crAppstore)

... with the gtx 970 installed the screenrecorder seems to work fine too, not sometimes capturing like half as in one polygon insted of the whole quad (at least thats what it looks like bu no clue how cinnamon or that thing work in combination thats above our paygrade)

anywho ... this thing they sold one year later , one model down for 25% more money

better be worth it for the next 4-5 years


When did Aldi said that? Well, you are always one step ahead of us. A&H, Jumbo, Tesco, Auchan all have it partly (they don't trust the customer yet).

After the depolarisation there's nothing to wirry about if it comes to jobs, food, income...


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