How to kill nine hours stopover in Singapore 在新加坡過境 シンガポールのトランジット

in #hkjpsg6 years ago
Its been many many years since I've been to Singapore, a place where I often used to go when I was working in Hong Kong. A place where I made many good friends, a place which does the best Hainanese chicken rice I've had, and a place where we once sent a parcel full of chewing gums to a colleague as a joke. He never received the parcel. Those were the good old days 😉.

已經很多年沒有去星加坡。 以前在香港工作經常會到那邊公幹及旅遊,在當地認識不少朋友,而吃過是最好吃的海南雞飯也是在星加坡。 記得當年跟星加坡同事開玩笑,我們在香港寄了一盒口香糖給他,結果他當然沒有收到包裹 😉。


My last visit to Singapore was last summer en route to New Zealand. I had a choice of either transferring via Singapore or Kuala Lumpur. With Singapore Changi Airport consistently voted as one of the world's best airport, it was a pretty easy decision to make. In fact I had a eight hour stop over, so airport facilities were of paramount importance. Here I'll show you how to kill eight hours comfortably at Singapore Changi Airport. I landed around midnight and my outgoing flight was at 0800. Initially I had considered booking an airport hotel room but I think the cheapest was something like USD75 so I quickly binned that idea. Then I found a much better solution. The cinema, and it was free!!!

最近一次到星加坡是去年到新西蘭旅行轉機,在那裏短暫停留8小時。 原本打算租住一晚機場旅館,但發覺要大概USD75馬上打退堂鼓。 後來發現一個更棒的方案,機場電影院既舒服又免費!!!!!


This is the outside of the cinema, and from the list of films shown, there were some pretty good blockbusters which were released not too long ago. I didn't take any photos inside the cinema (who does??) but I think there might have been around 20 rows of seats. To be honest I was a bit tired as my journey started at 1400 that day from Taiwan to Hong Kong, and Singapore was the third country that I had landed within 12 hours, so I just plonked myself down one of the massive comfy seats at the back row. Most people there were like me anyway. I could hear faint snores in front of me, and the phone on the guy at the end of my row kept on ringing on and off for about half an hour.

電影院播放的電影都蠻新,亦是大製作。但因為我當時實在太疲倦,入到電影院馬上找張安樂舒適大椅子休息。 發覺裏面很多人其實都跟我一樣在休息,聽到前面微微的鼻鼾聲,右邊睡著的男士電話不斷地向他也聽不到。


At about 0330 I headed next door to the lounge. The entrance fee was USD20 from a credit card deal, and I think the normal entrance fee is around USD30 or if you made mega bucks from bitcoin and flew business then of course it's free . USD20 gets you a 3 hour stay, they give you a sticker which you have to stick on you so they know when to kick you out. There was no one there at this time of the night so I had the lounge to myself. I had some light snack, which wasn't bad, but then, any food at 0300 can't be that bad.

凌晨0330我轉移到隔壁的貴賓室。入場費正價大概 USD30,但我信用卡有優惠一次USD20 , 每次可停留3小時。 既然付了費就物盡其用先來個輕食,味道也不錯。 其實,我覺得凌晨0330吃任何食物味道都應該不錯吧!


I used the shower facilities to freshen myself up and (pretended to) did some reading as I was wide awake now. Do you like this photo? I actually used it as my Steemit verification photo to save me drawing the Steemit logo.

之後到沐浴間洗個澡,馬上醒來了。 我在這裏(扮)看書。大家喜歡這照片嗎?當時剛加入 Steemit,正好做我的認證照,省卻我畫 Steemit logo 。


Making full use of the facilities, I grabbed some breakfast at around 6ish before they kicked me out at 0630.



There was only an hour or so before my next flight was due to leave and I watched the beautiful sunrise, something which I never get to do as I'm never up at this time of the morning. A rare treat for me.

距離航班起飛還有一個多小時,正好看日出。 平時我絕不會做這事情,因為我一定沒那麼早起床。在熱鬧的星加坡機場看晨曦,只能讚嘆一句 ~ 美。


This post is an entry to the challenge organised by @orientalhub to promote cross community culture between Hong Kong, Singapore and Japanese Steemians.

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Always fun discovering new parts of Changi. Depends what terminal you are in but my fave is the cactus garden.

I think I do need to make another proper trip to Singapore again, the airport is an sightseeing point in itself

Come come :)

The airport is state-of-the-art and always has something to surprise us.

Agree, I guess there's a reason why it always tops the list of best airports around the world

Layovers are my favorite thing. To me it's a mini vacation within! The longer the the better!!!

Ha ha, only if you're travelling in style and have access to the lounge !!!!

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I'm saving this post! This post is PERFECT because I might have to do this soon!! Thank you!!

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