
This seems to be an old trick,used to be very popular with bankers! That’s how to silent...

Must take care! Never be alone!

Thanks, we don't believe our govt. would doing like it, but it happened!
We will all take well care of ourselves, and we will keep fighting, tmr also have some gangster's warning, please pay attention on our news~

I think it’s some other faction wanting to create more division and distrust among people.

I think the best way is to have quiet non-violent demonstration! Look at Ghandi’s tactics! He’s a shrewd fighter!

Your tactics are not beneficial and play into the hands of outside Rulers who like to see Hong Kong deeply divided and ruined!! The Outside rulers or Cabal don’t care if Hong Kong becomes totally bankrupt! Don’t trust anyone even the leaders.

This reminds me of what happened in Thailand in 1973. Several people found out some years later that they were led to be slaughtered by unwitting soldiers. It was all planned to look righteous with a cause, but it was all a plan. Young people were just pawns and used as blood sacrifice! This thing is deeper than you can imagine!

Stay quiet and use your cool head!


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