Desafío Steem: El Tejón de las criptomonedas//Steem Challenge

in #hive1745785 years ago (edited)

Luchando para proteger la descentralización y el sistema DPoS.

Únete, seamos parte...
Somos comunidad ahí está el poder.

Fighting to protect decentralization and the DPoS system.
Join us, let's be part ...
We are community, there is power.


¿Dónde está el Rey que quiere todo para si?

¿Dónde están los payasos de éste circo que alzarán su voz?

Los enanitos ya están de pie y no serán doblegados... Y tú?

Where is the King who wants everything for himself?
Where are the clowns in this circus who will raise their voices?
The dwarfs are already standing and will not be bowed ... And you?


Sólo hay una cosa por hacer comenzar la guerra sin armas, el poder está en el puño, unificación y acción.

There is only one thing to do to start the war without arms, the power is in the fist, unification and action.


Atte. Jessica Rodríguez


But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)

Question from the Bible, Is there such a thing as untimely death in the Bible?

Watch the Video below to know the Answer...
(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)

Comment what you understand of our Youtube Video to receive our full votes. We have 30,000 #SteemPower. It's our little way to Thank you, our beloved friend.
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