in #hive2 years ago (edited)

Note to viewer: First posted on Hive February 2nd

I must preface the rest of this shocking information by clearly stating this is not about me, I just happen to be one of their many targets they abuse. This post is about the consistent wrong doings and destruction of the Hive platform that so many of us hold in high regard; and to share my experience to shed light on the situation at large.

After nearly three months of sitting back and watching @hivewatchers and their associated accounts destroy my blog for reasons that don't even fit their criteria, (see post here here for more info on that) and going against the recommendations of the community (see comments below); I've decided to engage them once again on their discord server and here is how it went. (screen shots from their discord server)

I started by politely asking them to stop down voting me through said accounts.

I'm immediately harassed by two people in @hivewatchers discord chat-room. One of which attacks my race and ethnicity for no apparent reason. Hivewatchers says or does nothing about this blatant Racism. I'm left to assume this is acceptable behavior for @hivewatchers.

After walking away from nasty racist harassment, @hivewatchers finally responds, referencing a line I used to defend myself from the harassers which is 100% true, just look at what they did to @gringalicious and her entire family running off near half a million market cap there alone, and that's just the start of what I know behind the scenes and all I can mention due to promises of privacy from others. Here is their response.

This part I find incredibly illogical. They highlight a true statement from @lichtblick of how my posts on steemit are good for steemit! Yet the exact same post on hive is spam and bad for hive! I'd really like to know how they make sense of that.

Then they briefly wrap it up explaining that five years of other people's opinions via up-votes and positive comments does not mean anything and that I should have been well aware that I more or less suck; a complete insult to hundreds of people who have supported my work over the years and those who chose to continue to do so to this day. Meanwhile they never address the blatant racism directed towards me on their server.

Here is my response.

And that's it! No further response from them other than sweeping through my blog to down vote it more. They've done so much damage to my blog over the past few months that many of my friends and followers here are just totally baffled. I have never once received a comment supporting their actions other than from their tiny inner circle. Before I go any further I'd to thank all those who have taken the time to review what is going on and understand that's it's been a terribly upsetting time for me after growing very attached to my blog with my face all over it.

My debt to the community is to expose the destruction not to me personally but the platform at large. As they may very well be the top abusers running large sums of money and people off the platform and that's not even talking about would be investment and new members. I sincerely know this to be a fact. Is this to satisfy a power tripping sadistic ego? Not sure, but I do know it is damaging and wrong.

As mentioned above here is a list of publicly made comments to my blog over the past few months in regards to their actions. (all screen shots from my blog)

As you can see @hivewatchers has absolutely zero respect for the opinions of any of these prominent members of the Hive community.

Below are screen shots of just some of the comments from my blog posts over the past couple months since this has happened. I've received far less comments than I used to due to the degradation of my account via @hivewatchers relentless downvotes. Meaning, before all this I used to receive far more complimentary comments.....and @hivewatchers wonders why I had no idea that my blog sucked and my posts were "spam".

Again, as you can see @hivewatchers has absolutely zero respect for the opinions of any of these members of the Hive community either; while referring to me as a "scammer".

The only conclusion I can make is that in communist dictator fashion they hate successful consistent bloggers who've built a following through hard work and dedication; refer to them as "farmers" and "milkers" then seek and destroy while using the equivalent of a traffic violation to justify their actions.

This is exactly what they did to another veteran and top food blogger of the platform @gringalicious and who knows how many others. Again running her, her entire family, and their large investment off the platform; for what any of you would consider a minor offense.

Further more, I've watched how they talk to and treat people in their discord appeals room for a while now. They talk to everyone like they are totally righteous, like their shit doesn't stink, and that you are guilty of murder until proven innocent. Then this bizarre onslaught of racist trolls chime in to add insult to injury. It's beyond disgusting. Further more they make people gravel and degrade themselves publicly to get removed from their blacklist. Like this poor Indonesian man just trying to make a few extra bucks to feed his three children. Looks like more racism to me....

Sadly making people humiliate and degrade themselves publicly is a common practice by @hivewatchers. This photo was taken from his blog post, so photo credit @ridwant. You can click here to see his highly disturbing post and see what they've been putting him through, for the crime of not giving a proper photo credit to a picture of a cat from 10 months ago!

Their appeals chat room looks to be loaded with people of an ethnic minority based on western standards. Just totally disgusting. Then if they complain too much and don't immediately gravel and lick their boots, they banish them to "time out". It's just unbelievably childish, racist, and sick. Lets be real, we are talking about some seriously mean-spirited and sadistic people. Just look at the dark imagery on their logos. Is this how we attract investment and newcomers to Hive? Witnesses, is this what you want as your friendly neighborhood hive policeman?

Here are the profile photos of three of their downvoters in order from left to right @azircon @guiltyparties, @spaminator. Their other downvoters do not have profile photos but their names should be known @steemcleaners, @adm. These accounts are extremely well funded and of course they keep it private as to who they are and who is funding them. Meanwhile I've had my real face all over my blog for five years. (again, Photo credit to these four images in order above @hivewatchers below @azircon, @guiltyparties, @spaminator). Very dark imagery and fits the bill perfectly.

A couple of these accounts may respond to this post saying they are not part of @hivewatchers but they clearly work together and are part of the club. It's really amazing how they fly under the radar as basically plagiarism detectives. I'm sure these accounts will respond attacking me and spin spin spin reality. But it's all laid out for you in this post, from a respected five year content creator many of you have gotten to know on a personal level over the years. Meanwhile they are totally anonymous except to a small few funding this sick behavior.

Now if all this is not disturbing and disgusting enough; it's been brought to my attention that these accounts are riddled with suspicious transactions. Small amounts and large amounts of money constantly coming and going especially from the @hivewatchers account. I personally am not a financial investigator and have no way of knowing if these transaction are legit or not, but it looks like there may be some sort of set up where the more they punish and abuse the more money they make, which would clearly explain their "over policing" ....again this is just speculation.

With characters and behavior presented in this post I would not put it past them at all. Maybe a commission every time they find a cat photo of ten months ago with no credit attached. Maybe they are blacklisting people then extorting money out of them to be released from their hivewatchers prison. I have no way to prove this nor the know-how, but I would highly suggest someone with the ability to investigate these said accounts do so from top to bottom. When things simply don't make sense on the surface, they say "follow the money" and that is exactly what should be done. Who is watching the watchers?

In conclusion the Hive Social Media Blogging Platform or any social media platform has a very limited future if this kind of behavior is allowed to go on. That is why it's a no brainer for me to remove my once 20,000 + hive from the platform and invest it elsewhere after experiencing such unfair treatment first hand.

Never in my wildest dreams would I think I'd be recommending people to stay away from Hive, and I am not; unless there is a complete failure from the witnesses to step up and to do something about this unbelievable abuse of power. Sadly I don't have much faith anything will be done, as those in the top 20 witness position would not want to rock the boat and put their cozy earnings at risk. Hopefully they realize the boat has already been rocked, and inaction will tell you everything you need to know.

Prominent members of the community and personal friends I've made here over the years are being tagged to bring awareness of this heinous abuse, racist mistreatment of others, potential financial corruption, and ongoing damage to the Hive Blockchain.

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