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RE: Catch Me On Hive!

in #hive4 years ago

if you are curious here is the video in question he stood up and made a video countering that trouble making idiot and giving the whole freakin story. It is kinda long so you may need to view in pieces but gosh damn he defamation of character big time and other stuff the other person did.

what? two more states changed their marriage? but why though? what were they originally and what was wrong with them? that is very sad to hear I am looking forward to seeing your next sayings on that.


Pennsylvania used to allow adolescent minors to get married with a few provisions here and there. That is, if someone 16 or 17 years old wanted to get married there, then they only needed their parents' permission to do so. If they wanted to get married before the age of 16, then they needed court approval. The age floor for marriage was tentatively in accordance to the English Common Law, which placed it at 12 years old for girls and 14 years old for boys. Minnesota allowed for 16- and 17-year-olds to get married with parental permission before the law changed there. In the United States Virgin Islands before their marriage laws changed, a girl could wed as young as 14 years old and a boy could wed as young as 16 years old. Under the old laws in American Samoa, a girl could get married at as young as 14 years old. However, the age floor for boys has always been 18 years old there.

Nobody can get married before the age of eighteen in any of those four jurisdictions of our nation now that Fraidy Reiss and her legion of femi-Nazi extremists have plunged their poisoned tentacles into those jurisdictions' domestic policies. Femi-Nazi extremists are misusing their mission to eliminate any underage adolescent marriage as their inventive way to fill up both the sex-offender registries and the penal facilities needlessly with men across our nation, and they are doing so to wage war against men inasmuch as they know that adult/adolescent couples are the ones who depend on the original marriage laws in these jurisdictions to steer clear of the tyranny of the criminal justice system. I will be writing and posting articles to the Hive writing platform about these events not before long, because I am very furious about them.

I watched YouTuber Denox Series's video above last night. I know that he is your friend, but I have to be brutally honest with you about something. YouTuber Denox Series showed himself to be sincere in the video, and I do believe him over YouTuber The Over Reactor. However, he did show a certain naivety about himself for a man in his early thirties, and I believe that such naivety was what likely got him into the situation at hand. Now, should he go to jail or prison? ABSOLUTELY NOT! He has not broken any laws as far as I can see. Then again, I am not a lawyer, and I really hope that he did speak with an attorney before he posted that video and consulted with an attorney about posting it. If he hasn't done so, he needs to do so. And PRONTO! Because shortly after I watched his video, I went over to YouTuber The Over Reactor's channel out of curiosity to see what he posted and it turned out that he had just posted a reaction video to YouTuber Denox Series's latest video; and at the end of the video, he stated that he had sent his videos regarding YouTuber Denox Series to the police.

Now, do I believe that YouTuber The Over Reactor is going to get anywhere with his allegations against your friend, YouTuber Denox Series? Probably not. YouTuber The Over Reactor has no real proof that your friend committed any crime. Everything that your friend did was protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Of course, once again, I'm not a lawyer, so I cannot really predict what the outcome of this situation is going to be. I can say this, however. If your friend secures legal counsel, he will likely never see the inside of a penal facility ever in his life.

With all the rioting going on throughout our nation, things are kind of crazy with the police; and law-enforcement officials are doing things that they shouldn't be doing to innocent bystanders. YouTuber Denox Series needs to do everything he can to cover his backside against YouTuber The Over Reactor, because this online vigilante is not playing with a full deck.

I would like to do an article on Hive about YouTuber Denox Series's situation, because I want to alert the public about YouTuber The Over Reactor so that they know that this online vigilante is out of control and needs to be stopped if he is going to start accosting people as he did your friend. Therefore, I will eventually need to embed the above video into my upcoming article about it. I hope that your friend has no problem with my doing so. If he removes the video from his YouTube channel, then I will take it as a signal that he doesn't want me embedding his video in my Hive article.

Anyhow, let me just say this much about YouTuber The Over Reactor. He actually believes that he is telepathic and that he knows everything that YouTuber Denox Series is thinking. That's, like, so insane. He wants to send your friend to prison for a thought crime. I don't think so. He is also one of those hotheads who believe that everyone is guilty until proven innocent. He is so un-American. I will have so much to say about YouTuber The Over Reactor in my upcoming article on Hive about your friend's situation and I can guarantee you that it won't be very nice. He's a classic head case, if I ever knew one. He actually believes that he has found a loophole in the criminal code to get out of any lawsuit that YouTuber Denox Series files against him regarding the illegal recording of telephone conversations, but I think that he is just poking at the dark.

Anyhow, thank you for letting me know about YouTuber Denox Series's situation. Also, let him know that he has an ally here.

Let me know when you finally migrate over to the Hive writing platform. I'm telling you, naglfar94, there seems to be a lot more opportunity there on Hive to get one's voice heard than here on Steemit. I'm glad that I made the move. Keep in touch. :-)

I hope that is coming soon to expose that idiot because it is getting out of hand like the guy is getting even more insane he is going as far as to stalk yes stalk and harrass my friend and coming up with bogus accusations that fit nothing and continuing to twist the truth and blow things out of proportion. If you see the comments on his latest video even I was down there trying to talk some sense into the guy and at this point I have had it. Sorry it has been a rough few days for me with this this is mentally and physically draining. Everything is flying over this dudes head.

YouTuber The Over Reactor is another Edgar-Maddison-Welch wacko disguised as some kind of child-saving superhero, for a lack of a better description. The major difference between YouTuber The Over Reactor and Edgar Maddison Welch is that YouTuber The Over Reactor uses social media as his weapon of destruction to further his self-serving agenda whereas Mr. Welch uses guns and violence to do so. This cyber loony tune can't even get the definition of pedophilia right as it appears in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition ("DSM-5"). I recently saw a clip on YouTube from an episode of Real Time With Bill Maher, and even Bill Maher was warning the public about people like him.

What I really find particularly bothersome about YouTuber The Over Reactor is that, unlike Edgar Maddison Welch, he is actually charismatic on his surface, which makes him even more dangerous than Mr. Welch. Everyone can tell that Mr. Welch is a wacko merely by his appearance and his mannerisms. YouTuber The Over Reactor, on the other hand, presents a phony baloney amicability about him as though he is going to say, "I want to be your friend" to everyone whose life he wishes to destroy.

I read your posts in the comments section of both YouTuber Denox Series's video and YouTuber The Over Reactor's video. Yeah, I can see that you were furious at YouTuber The Over Reactor. However, nalgfar94, when I first became active on YouTube back in 2013, I constantly tried to enlighten these narrow-minded kinds of individuals and I got nowhere with it. In figurative language, their deep-seated stupidity is wired into their DNA at a genetic-molecular level. I finally decided that it was better to call these people out on their outrageous behavior on a writing platform like Steemit and now Hive and let them come to me if they disagree with what I post about them. Keep in mind that when I do post an article about this situation with your friend, YouTuber Denox Series, I will be doing so on Hive rather than on Steemit inasmuch as it will reach more readers that way. So, let me know when you migrate to Hive so that I can let you know that I have published that article there on my channel after I do so.

In the meantime, I've been trying to re-post all of my Steemit articles on Hive that did not copy over to Hive after Steemit and Hive split apart. I will be finished with that process not before long, and then I can go ahead and put together an article about your friend.

I didn't realize that YouTuber Denox Series was living in Puerto Rico until after I saw his video as well as YouTuber The Over Reactor's videos. If this is the case, then it could go in his favor. The FBI doesn't have a very good reputation down in Puerto Rico and has not had one for a very long time according to information I have gathered about them for some time now. Therefore, if they waste their time on a witch hunt like this one against YouTuber Denox Series per YouTuber The Over Reactor's wishes, the Federal criminal courts there will likely reject it and that will be the end of it. However, there is no substitute for your friend finding a good lawyer to defend his rights. I hope he has retained one by now.

Luckily, YouTuber The Over Reactor is far away enough from him that he cannot do anything physically intrusive to him like spying on him or going directly to his employer to slander him and get him fired. I also don't think that YouTuber The Over Reactor is going to take a flight to Puerto Rico to do any of those things. It is still a good idea that YouTuber Denox Series finds himself a good lawyer to keep all his bases covered. There can be no question that YouTuber The Over Reactor is dangerously obsessed with your friend insofar as he is fabricating delusions in his mind about him being another Kenneth Parnell, when YouTuber The Over Reactor's perceptions about him could not be any further than the truth.

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