About My Self & My Introduction

in #hive2 years ago


HEY There My Name Is Shah Tasfekul Islam, Im 24 Years Old,
I'm in unemployed person. I live in a small city Name savar Bangladesh.
I'm a college Dropout student. I didn't continue my study because of family financial crisis.


In my family there is my dad my mom my grand mom and a little brother last but not the list mee😁
My dad is also now unemployed he lost his job because of some angry issues,
My mother working garments factory.
My little brother is there 10th grade student.
And Grandma stays over home and take care of us.
We are very poor family We have suffering from sun final crisis.

Island graphics designing and im a freelancer But I'm not getting any successfully any freelancing.
Also I have you many knowledge about the computer,
And I can edite videos I haven't YouTube channel where I made funny videos and I needed those myself.
If you do anything I learn from the YouTube but the graphics design I have completed a course.
I have also knowledge about Microsoft office,

I work almost a year in a motor garage as a manager Then I lost my job from some issues.
After Living that job I started a new job at a local news channel name prozanmo tv it's an local news channel I worked there almost 2 years as a head designer and video editor, Then I quit my job because they can't paid me every month My salary was 4,000 month birthday me every month 2000 ETC now they owe me almost 20,000 Bangladeshi taka they're not giving my money That's why I quit the job.
After that I worked as a junior quality inspector in a garments factory. This job was not my type so I work there almost to month and leave that too. Now I'm totally unemployed and sitting home but I really need money right now

Me and my family are suffering from financial crisis I really need some help or earn money to help my family and help myself to get a better life. But I can do anything I'm not getting any success from anywhere I tried youtubing But I failed I tried freelancing but I failed I tried private job I also failed now I think I'm a loser who always failed 😞.
I'm losing my all hope so don't know what to do that's why I created my account over here to get some help.
I know I'm going to fail over here too but it's worth it to try maybe I get a success over here or not but I will keep trying and trying until I don't know what to do.
So anyone is here a reading this post I want your help please support me to grow success is over here 😊
If anyone kind enough to vote me vote me a dollar or send who seeing this post reading this post please put me something so I can give myself for my family better a little bit better life I just want your support that's it.

I think thats all for today.
Take care Everyone God bless you
Please support me and help me get over it thank you bye for today Love you all

Signing off
Shah Tasfekul Islam 💓

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