How Far Is the World to Connect to a Hive?

in #hive6 years ago (edited)


What is a hive? The home of bees or a colony of ants. In a hive, every bee or ant has a role, which it performs without questioning, hesitation or aspirations to higher positions, and without conflicts with other "members" of the hive.

The life of any bee or ant of the hive is monotonous, taken separately, and similar to the lives of every other creature with the same role in the hive. However, when we look at the result of their combined effort, the hive thrives.

At the beginning of the industrial age, and a good while during it, people worked in factories being hyper-focused on one task only, to improve the speed at which products were being delivered.

Then machines came and it turned out they did a better job, so many people lost their jobs because of this development.

Now we are taught every person is unique and we should embrace our differences. Practically the opposite of the policy of fitting in from the industrial age.

In a hive, individual differences are not permitted, only roles, because the notion of individual doesn't exist.

Therefore, how would a human hive be like?

The science-fiction example comes from the Star Trek TV series, but it isn't very consistent. The negative character is called the Borg Collective, which has an incredible power of adaptation and assimilation of new technologies from different species it comes in contact with.

At first, in the Next Generation series, the Borg is presented as an entity with distributed decision making processes and no leader. In later series, a central figure was introduced "to speak" for the Borg and later even to control the decision making of the hive, transforming it to a more human-like hierarchically structure.

I still have the chills when thinking of the Borg I saw as a child in Star Trek - Next Generation. As in the case of factories, computers and robots would be much better candidates to mimic a hive. In fact, there are projects based on a hive model in concept or development right now. One of them intends to explore the Mars surface from the atmosphere, using a swarm of mini bee-like drones controlled by a rover.

That doesn't mean ideas to "improve" us using the hive model don't exist.

A possibility that has been brought up more than once, is to create a sort of next generation of the internet (past IoT), that would connect people's minds directly, and therefore create the premises for finding solutions to problems much easier, by accessing directly an entire pool of expertise in every field.

People would choose when to connect to this hive and when to disconnect. Hmm, I wonder how such a reality would be? How many would make the brain implants needed to be part of this hive?

How would the decisions process be? Would the hive decisions influence their minds after participants disconnect?

The questioning line somehow brings us back to the Borg... At least in my mind.

Some strange things at the time of concept became reality in time, but I doubt our society is ready for connecting to the hive in droves, anytime soon.

Compared to the ideas I've presented you above, the mass adoption of blockchains and cryptos seems around the corner!


Some time ago I heard a university was doing an experiment, a form of capture the flag and the participants that win get a reward. The thing is no one individual could not collect all the flags along. Nor are they local puzzles. It needed the help of a community. A global decentralized effort to solve the puzzles and get the rewards. The university wanted to test with the world's current social media could people collaborate and work together and solve a problem. The results were very encouraging and promising.

One experiment that I thought was promising and Erie at the same time was precognition. Scientist have put random number generators all over the world. In a way they can't be influenced directly but in some way they can be indirectly by our emotional state. In the data there seems to be some correlation with major disasters. It seems like when there's malicious intent. In someway the decentralized network is aware of it. In the data it seemed it was aware 9/11 in New York was about to happen several hours before it happened
Here's a small clip from a documentary:

Can you imagine if this is the beginning of Minority Report's PreCrime?

Yes, it has been proven times and times again that collaboration produces better results than individual work.

The question I'm asking myself (and I saw you've asked yourself too in a recent post), is once we become cyborgs to enhance our human capabilities, how much human will we still be? And will we be able to stop? I'd prefer a consciousness enlightenment to the nanites and robotic parts any time!

A precog... hmm... sounds intriguing! But in the movie, it could be tricked...

It will be revolutionary to have enhancements to be connected to the internet. Everything within our reach with just a thought. When this becomes the norm we will no longer be asked about facts in school but theories and understanding. In discrete mathmatics I used to think it was soo humorous teachers didn't care about the final answer they care about your understanding and how you got there. I still think our quest for enlightenment will still be important than the Borg's dimissive "it's irrelevant"

Gene therapy is still an idea being tossed around. We can engineer humanity's destiny o.o we can potentially remove all deceases and add genetic enhancements. In the movie GATTACA there were the naturally born and the genetic elite o.o and the ramifications of that. In Stargate there was an alien race that engineered themselves to such an extent they we're practically immortal but eventually lost the ability to reproduce.

I definitely worry humanity will be pressured to make Soo many enhancements it would be a disadvantage not to. There will be those that want all the genetic enhancements or discard the human body entirely. To have a Android body with their consiousness or a copy close to it. I don't know if there will be a social minimum of enhancements, certainly everyone has
a smartphone. The condition we're familiar with is only temporary on a genetic level we're still evolving. Perhaps in the future it won't be so natural o.o

It will be revolutionary to have enhancements to be connected to the internet. Everything within our reach with just a thought. When this becomes the norm we will no longer be asked about facts in school but theories and understanding.

Why does this have to happen to produce a shift in schooling paradigm?
I don't say it won't, because it might, and as I mention in the post, it might go even further to create mind-to-mind connections in a hive-like setup. But information is now at the fingertip of any teenager. Why should it still be the main focus of school processes now?

That's true about enhancements. They are presented as benefits that you'd be a fool to pass on. Like nanites to monitor and improve your health, or which improve the memory. Who wouldn't want to be healthier and have a better memory, right?

The question is: do you improve and leave out more and more of the humanity, as we perceive it now, or refuse and remain in the "stone age" compared to those that will? I'm pretty sure there will be people in both categories, at least at first.

I believe progress is unstoppable, even when it comes to our body (or mind). Maybe the solution would be genetic, maybe on the cyborg side. Oh boy, how "cyborg" sounds!

I have mixed feelings about them, I must say, even if I understand and usually look forward to future developments.

I meant in the perspective an individual gaining such enhancements. To look up facts with a single thought would be trivial. In a sense we would know everything but does a person understand it? As a collective we would. If we take the summation of all of what we know and extrapolate new fundamentals, new understandings of what could be, it could push us closer towards a signularity as we continue to push the boundaries of our understanding with new discoveries day by day. It would be fascinating if we gain such understanding of the universe with a collective mind we become like "the Q" masters of the Continuum.

I would hope technology and furthering our understanding of nature would lead to our immortality and no one would have to die. We would control the cycles of death and rebirth. I really look forward to transhumanism and the general milestones that will lift our civilization and culture. It would be nice to have some degree of a hive mind, it would end all disputes and all the conflicts hopefully overnight. It would also be something if we were as connected with the wildlife of the globle. We would be part of a global entity o.o lol I think I played too much Civilization Beyond Earth. Sorry if my ramblings are off

Sorry if my ramblings are off

Nah, they are entertaining and you seem an incurable optimist. So, you're ready to give up your SELF to the hive for the greater (potential) good?

Lol we are Borg. we are the hive ^0^

Ha ha ha ha The Borg reference!!!!

Love me some Star Trek, but I'm a little worried about a future where we are all connected in such a deep level.

Maybe that's our future, maybe it's not....I hope not lol

Yeah, it's not a future I look forward to either! :)

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