how to organize your day and live happily

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago

Following my two previous posts about happiness:

I started to get deeper and deeper into the happiness topic, and I can tell that I start to see the benefits already, so I think that start a sort of workshop about it here on steemskillshare can be a good idea.

For now, I'm going to share with you as much as I can!



Daily routine = happiness

Before you run away and close the article, let me explain, ehehe.

When was the last time you felt satisfied with your day?

I mean: when did you go to sleep thinking “Aaah for today I did everything I wanted to do”? I bet you don't remember.

Did I guess?

In this case don't worry, it is absolutely normal with the hectic lives we do nowadays: we get up, we run stoned here and there by millions of stimuli with which we are bombarded daily and go to sleep, all this creates a certain dissatisfaction in us, and it is precisely to solve this problem that the daily routine comes into play.

What is a routine?


We are bombarded with phrases such as: "escape from the routine, the routine kills more than cigarettes", etc ... I can understand that the combination of happiness and routine is hard to believe.

Let's start by seeing the routine in a different light:

"Routine is a set of habits slowly acquired through practice and experience", sounds better already, right?

To simplify, we could say that a daily routine is nothing more than a long to-list to be completed every day, and why is this a good thing, because completing the to-list makes us feel good very simple indeed!

The reason is that every time we recognize a task or project as completed, our brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for generating feelings of accomplishment, satisfaction, and happiness.

Dopamine release not only makes us feel good, it also motivates us to keep completing activities to extend that pleasant feeling.

The advantages of the routine

In my opinion, the main benefits are 2:

  • The first advantage of organizing the day is that EVERY MOMENT has a specific task to complete, and there is no time to get carried away by events.

  • The second is that as a result, we may be doing more things than we normally can.

Find your why


The first step to creating an effective daily routine is to find concrete goals to get up in the morning, whether it's for a project, for yourself, for the kids or for the new car you want so much, you need a reason to get up in the morning, and If that reason fails, it will be very difficult to set up a daily routine and stick to it in the long run.

The more specific your goal is, the more easily you will be able to reach it and not "overstretch" along the way.

I'll give you an example:

Thinking “I'm starting to train because I want to lose a few pounds or get more muscular”, it's not quite as accurate as thinking: “I want to lose exactly 10 kg or lift 100 kg of flat bench press”, and so on in all areas.

In the first case, it will be more difficult for you to work out the things to do step by step, compared to having a precise reference that will allow you to approach the goal in a more scientific way.

The second step to creating a routine is to make a list of all the activities you want or need to take care of each day that will help you reach the goals you want to achieve, once the list is ready, organizing your day will be a breeze, all you have to do is fill in the agenda by entering the list you just created, in an orderly and coherent way with your daily life.

In case you want to lose 10 kg as I said above, you know that you will have to:

  • Create a weight loss diet
  • Go shopping with fresh and healthy things
  • Work out 3 or 4 times a week

All these activities will be inserted in your weekly table along with all the other things you want or need to do, most likely it will be working hours, housework and hobbies.


This is of course an intro, and it won't be exhaustive of this argument.

As I stated in my previous posts happiness in human body is reached and felt thanks to some chemical reactions that allow us to feel happy, as for the food this routine and the success in achieving the daily goals we create for ourselves will trigger the chemicals as I explained above.

We are simple creatures at the end of the day.


Compliance with daily routines produce temporary satisfaction!

 3 years ago 

Yeah. Reach eternal happiness is just for the holy Buddah

Living happily is an art and organising the day is a skill ✨ Finding the "why" is always difficult because the question ain't about why you want to workout, the question is why you want to lose weight. Nice writeup.

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