Money Or Passion by @steemtopus

in Steem Skillshare2 years ago (edited)

Good day friends, welcome to my blog. It's been long here but i am happy to be back here serving you hot and exclusive contents. I am happy to join this contest by @lhorgic.


I am a student so i do not have a career responsibility at this age. I know the time will soon come but let me tell you exactly what is on my mind about being motivated by either money or passion.

In life and in work, there are always trade-offs. What will make you happiest? Is it money? Or is it doing something that really makes your heart sing? No matter what your personality type or career goals may be, I think we can all agree that there’s room for both money and passion. The key is figuring out how to keep them in balance so they fuel each other instead of fighting over who gets more time and energy. Let’s take a look at how to do just that.

Are you motivated by money or passion? That’s the question many people ask themselves when considering a career change, and one that leads to much debate in the business world. Some entrepreneurs claim that businesses that are more passionate about their work succeed more than those who pursue the financial rewards above all else, while others argue the opposite side of the spectrum: that businesses need to make money to survive, not just pursue their passions. The truth lies somewhere in between, but it’s important to know what drives you personally as a person so you can surround yourself with others who will help you achieve your goals without compromising your values.



Contrary to popular belief, money isn’t everything—but it is important. You need enough cash to cover your living expenses and to enable you to pursue opportunities that could potentially grow your business exponentially. This isn’t about greed; it’s about being able to fully invest yourself in your passion and not worry about how you will pay rent next month. If making money doesn’t motivate you, then focus on pursuing your passions without worrying about creating financial rewards for yourself. If that's not possible at first because of other responsibilities (like having dependents), then work toward creating financial freedom so that those responsibilities aren't a hindrance anymore and you can pursue what matters most: achieving true happiness and contentment with who you are as an individual outside of work.



When it comes to your career, money isn’t everything. Passion is critical. It gives you energy and purpose in your work life. What would make any job exciting? That’s right – passion. The more passionate you are about your profession, and even something else in life (outside of work), the more motivated and happy you will be on a daily basis. Take into consideration each day what inspires and makes you feel alive so that your career can support that end goal too! If money drives people then how does one know when to stop chasing? Is it for money or for passion? You decide!



It's great to be driven by passions and make work around them. It's good to put money on top of your list of motivations. But it’s never great to only have one of these things. Money is important for so many reasons; financial security being chief among them. And passion can lead to burnout if it’s not coupled with opportunity for success. Think about all of your life goals in relation to both money and passion and find ways that you can connect each goal back to one or both of these factors. Sometimes having too much money is just as bad as having none at all—your motivation might fade because you know how to survive financially no matter what happens in your career future.



If you ask any entrepreneur why they do what they do, their answer is usually some variation of because I love it! The reality of creating a business out of your passion is that it takes money. It’s not impossible to start a business for free—you can certainly save up and self-fund your venture—but without an infusion of cash somewhere along the way, it will be very difficult to grow your company into anything substantial.



The idea of making it and becoming rich and famous are often key motivators for people pursuing a career in entrepreneurship. However, beyond money and fame, entrepreneurs should be driven by passion. That’s according to Alli Webb, founder of Drybar (and former lawyer), who says that being passionate about your work is much more sustainable than pursuing monetary success alone. In fact, if your primary motivation is money alone rather than also having some sort of personal interest in your work, then you’re likely to burn out fast—or worse yet—get bored when things get slow. Passion drives creativity and innovation, which ultimately leads to growth. It's not just about money, Webb said at an event hosted by Inc. Magazine last year. You have to have a love for what you do. While many startup founders start their businesses with little capital, they are still able to achieve financial success because they have identified something they love doing so much that they can't imagine doing anything else with their time. They're willing to make sacrifices like working long hours or taking on significant debt because their passion for their business gives them enough drive and determination to succeed no matter what obstacles come along in their path toward profitability.

I invite @benson6, @swaylee, @morgan76 to this contest.

Cc: @milakz - Founder/ Admin
Cc: @steemskillshare
Cc: @disconnect
Cc: @lhorgic

Thanks for you time


My name is Akanbi-Muhammad Saheed, a final year student of University of Ilorin. I am an affiliate and information marketer. For the past few months now I've been learning about crypto, getting to know valuable people on steemit, creating contents, supporting and helping this community to grow bigger. It is my ultimate plan to build a solid reach and engagement on Steemit.


 2 years ago 

I love your's quite exhaustive and I must say it contains alot of gems. Thanks for participating. Wish you the very best in this contest.

I am happy that you liked my submission. It is my ultimate goal to produce high quality contents here always. I'll continue to work hard and give my best. Have a lovely day!

Great thought. I like the way you carefully and analytically juxtaposed both issuel MONEY OR PASSION? WELDONE @steemtopus

Congratulations on being one of the winners, your entry was beautiful. I look forward to entering more contests with you.

Same here with me

 2 years ago 

I love how you carefully analysed the topic.
Passion is very important but money is good too!

Thank you for visiting my post. I'll even do better next time.

 2 years ago 

You're welcome dear🤗
Nice one!

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