FINAL EXAM FOR GRAPHIC DESIGN CLASS 1ST SEMESTER by @stanleynnah. 10% of the reward goes to @steem.skillshare

Good day everyone,

It's a pleasure to be taking part in the graphic design class organised by @atim1234 in the Steem Skillshare community, and in this post, I will be presenting answer to the final exams questions of the first semester of the graphic design class.

Pixel Lab



What is the Definition and Category of Graphic Design.


Graphic design has come to become one of the greatest and most interesting subject matter of the 21st century. The major reason for this is the beauty and attractions that comes with graphic designs. Human beings are always attracted to beautiful things, and this has helped in the growth of graphic design as a field of it's own.

Businesses, corporate organisations, and many enterprises have come to use graphic design elements as a major means of creating knowledge of their products, and this is majorly done via advertisement.

Graphic design can therefore be defined as a process of creating something beautiful through the combination of pictures, colours, and writing which easily communicate, pass across information, and attract the attention of the desired audience.

With regards to the categorization of graphic design, it can be categorised into various types and forms such as product designs, corporate designs, advertisement, logo designs, motion graphics, banner creation, fliers design among many others. However, it's pertinent to note that all the categories involves the combination of the various elements of graphic design in order to create something beautiful and attractive.



Tell the History of Graphic Design Development, Briefly


Historically, graphic design has always been part of human existence. Looking at the various elements of graphic design, it can be seen that individuals as far back as history involved themselves in carving images and writings on walls. This was know as "cave paintings" and acted as a means of communication to individual who saw the paintings.

An example of a cave painting

However, as the society keeps developing, the methods of doing things keep becoming easier, and the act of graphic design has followed up with the trend. Therefore, in recent times, graphic design has been made comfortable as there a basic applications, that can be used in creating beautiful contents for the public.



Mention the Role of Graphic Design in Visual Communication.


Graphic design is a visual communication means as it plays a great role in passing across information to a particular audience. All the elements if graphic design which includes fonts, colour, shapes, images etc are all placed in a such a way that it attracts the attention of a passerby, and by attracting their attention, it's passing across information unintentionally to the people who come across it.



Mention and Explain the Components of Graphic Design


Components of graphic design refers to the various elements that are brought together to create a good design. Some of the basic components of graphic design includes; colour, images, topography;

  • Colour: Colours are used in graphic designs to generate emotions. Colour plays a great role in bringing out the beauty of the design, as an unattractive colour combination may render the design useless and maybe unable to capture the attention of the audience.

  • Images: Images also plays a great role in graphic design. This is because the images that are to be used in the design must portray the real objective of the design. For instance, a design being made for a football team will require images such as football, jersey, football pitch etc. This is because such elements align well with the real reason for the design.

  • Topography: Topography is also an important component of graphic design as it brings out the importance of the wordings in the design that is being made. Elements such a bold, italic, font, spacing are used the organise the topography of the design. The element "bold" can be used for instance to draw the attention of the reader to that particular word.



Mention and Explain the Principles of Graphic Design


Graphic design is guided by some basic principles. This principles are put in place in order to create a perfect design that will capture the attention of the audience. Some of this principles include;

  • The graphic design must be created in such a way that the wordings, images and colour align properly with each other on the background of the design.

  • Importance must be given to some major elements in the design. The most important element that requires the attention of the audience must be given priority. This is where elements like bold, italic plays a major role.

  • The principle on how to use colour. This is because every colour has a particular meaning attached to it, as it can depict the mood of the design. Colour such as red has been seen to denote things like love, danger, among others.



Briefly Describe Graphic Design Applications and Software


  • Pixel Lab: Pixel Lab is a mobile application which is used for graphic designs. An elaborate lecture of the use of the application was given by @niglys8, and we were able to see some basic elements of the application such as, how to import images from gallery, use of colours, fonts, how to merge text together, free hand drawing among many other elements. In the last class, we were able to see how to use the application in the design of a logo.

  • Corel Draw: Corel draw is a software application used for designing. It's one of the earliest applications used in graphic designs and has always been update with new features as times goes on. We learnt the use of the application through the lecture that was delivered by @printskill, and the application was used in designing a flier.

  • Canva: Canva is another mobile application that can be used for design purposes. It's comes with pre-installed designs which gives a graphic designer an idea of what a design for a particular purpose should look like.



Create a Banner Design " that reads "Graphic Design Class in the Steem Skillshare Community - Learn Graphic Design for Free" and explain the design concepts.


Designed with Canva App

The above banner was designed using the Canva application. The elements in the design includes an image, the colour, and the topography which includes the fonts.

The image in the banner shows an individual working with a laptop. This was used to depict the illustration of learning graphic design which involves the use of a laptop or an advanced mobile device.

Secondly, the design involved the use of some fonts. There was a combination of the script font, the serif font, and the san serif fonts. This was done in order to beautify the design.

Thirdly, a blue colour was used for the background of the banner. The blue colour has been used to depict trust and intelligence. This was used mainly to beautify the design and to attract the attention of the desired audience.



Create a simple logo (any logo type) and explain the concept and meaning of the logo you created.


Designed with Pixel Lab

The logo above is a "letter mark logo". It's a logo for a car sell company. The logo was made using the initials of the companies name. The background of the logo shows a group of parked at a particular spot which invariably align well with the name of the company.



It has really been an interesting first semester of graphic design class, and I want to once again appreciate @atim1234 for the idea of organising the graphic design class which has been of great help to the staudents and members of the community. And I also want to appreciate the teachers @nygls8, @lhorgic, @printskill for their wonderful contributions and lessons.

Thanks and God bless.



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