Contest: " Interview" . Icebreaker on Steemit

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago


I take part in Contest: "Interview". Icebreaker on Steemit. Steem Skillshare Promo. from @vik24.


Interview ( 7 questions)

• What's your cellphone wallpaper (you can just post a screenshot of wallpaper)?

The wallpaper on my cellphone is primitive. Standard. On the old phone, I changed it at least once a month, and then I bought another and chose one wallpaper from those that were in the system - wind turbines on a green background. It refresh well in the current weather.


I don’t think this is much needed. But what is need is to clean the memory and gallery from garbage, but I never do this. 🤷‍♂

• Thanks to Pandemia. Many could experience both options. So do you love working from home or would you rather be in the office?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, my work rhythm has hardly changed. I worked at a train station (until recently) and it was difficult to get there. The buses were canceled. There was no plan for the workflow in the morning, as well as monthly classes, which made all employees very happy.

• If you could live anywhere in the world for a week, what countrywould it be?

You know, at this stage I would not want to go anywhere. It is very good for me to spend time with my family. But there would be an opportunity - I would choose Australia. It would be nice to feed a black swan, and then, after drinking a bottle of Bundy, fight a kangaroo. 🦘

• What animal would you chose to be?

I don't know who I would like to be, I'm already an animal in some situations. Maybe a wolf. I always wanted to get out on all fours up a high hill and howl to the moon. 🐺

• What was the funniest thing you’ve seen recently online ( meme, twits, images)?

Ummm ... I rarely in social networks, and read the news selectively. To be honest, I love black humor, something like:


But I haven't seen really interesting and funny things on the Internet for a long time. Probably the funniest thing is the laws that Ukrainian politicians are adopting (sh-h-h! not a word about politics).

The next question is because we are on Steem SkillShare. If you could pick up a new skill or hobby what would it be?

Programming and acting.

In general, I am interested in a lot of things, but something always prevents me from mastering new things. Let's go in order.

I would like to learn at least the basics of programming. Now it is more than relevant, moreover, it's starting to interest me more and more. Many years ago I managed to make a primitive calculator, and this is where my progress ended. I would like to get such a skill and develop it at least to the level of creating something useful, even simple.

I would like to take acting courses. Since I'm a tight-lipped and shy person myself, I think it would be good for me. Not a movie! I have always dreamed of playing in a theater, even if on a small stage with an audience of 30 spectators. It would be a pleasure and a great experience for me.

• What’s something you’d like to talk about on Steemit that no one has written about recently?

Many relevant and interesting topics are raised on this platform, so I am sure that everything was discussed here. But if Steem were very young, and no topics were raised on it, I would choose kindness. No matter how many people talk about it, it is kindness and mercy that we all lack.

Thanks for the interesting questions! I hope you had as much fun as I did!

I would like to invite @vlad26 and @municorn to participate.

Best wishes, @nesmeliy.


Спасибо за приглашение к участию! Обязательно приму приглашение)

обязательно почитаю!)

Удачи, хороший пост!)

гран мерси!)))) победить стремлюсь(хотел написать не стремлюсь, но это не так)(((@_@)))

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your entry. I wish you to go to Australia as it is really cool

Thanks to! You have a really cool contest! I gladly wrote the interview)

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