🍁#club75 | Making 3d illusion art tutorial by muja01
Today i present among you my 3d illusion art tutorial and full of describing about it.Hopefully you all like it soo much and keep supporting back to me.
Making process:
-Art paper
-colour pencil
1st Step:
- at the very begging point of my illusion art i take a white art paper and start the art of the middle position of the paper like those shape with the help of pencil and scale.
2nd Step:
- Now to the cross side of the frame i added a shade to fulfill the frame.
3r step:
- And that step i have done the theme frame of my illusion art.
4th step:
- at this point i colour the shape of frame like this with the help of colour pencil.
5th step:
- and now, after i finished the all disgin of my illusion colour and decoration i'm ready to present you to my beautiful 3d illusion art.