7 Insignificant Details That Tell You A Lot About Someone

Hello steemian's hope you are having a great time and enjoying your, today let's discuss some facts 💯💯


One of the most beautiful life abilities is that to know and assess a person’s character and personality. It will help you to make your connections strong with the people around you and let you feel good about things and avoid a lot of grief and pain.

I've studied about the seven ways throughout these pandemic two years that will help me alot to know more and more about people's attitudes and there behaviors. Whether they are good to me for a long journey in life or not or they're and red signal for me.

It's very humble to not use these points that i will discuss here briefly never use to criticize anyone. In life ever one has good and bad days and our personalities will change according to the situation also we should to become a good and valuable customer you nedd to get the belief of your clients. Be a good man with great deeds.

How they treat those beneath them:

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”
— Malcolm S. Forbes

The way we they treat the waiters on restaurants is a prime example of how they treat to those who are beneath them and how you treat them in that situation and in this condition when you are superior to them. It is simple because waiters also do something for you this may be change some of your attitude towards them but the main point is that how they treat to those who are not do anything for them, however waiter are the one who cam probably do for you something

on the side walks on the public place there are the peoples that are totally strangers to them there is something that will let you know the real face of them how they treat them because they are super strange to them.

On a Sunday night, i wws at a restaurant and taking my dinner and saw a begger came and people looked at him and starts laughing at him, it doesn't make the bager shameful but you how you act to those who are not rich to them.

How they interact with those from whom they want something:

Some people show that they have dual personalities they are something else on two different places two different type peoples for example when a boy see a beautiful girl they seems to be very much happy for some time before they come back to there naturl behavior which is harsh when we come to the point then we will conclude that how this person will deal with others.

the main problem with this type of people is that there is no solid sence of there liking and disliking they don't have the sence whone to alter and with whome they need to claborate.

How they follow through on their promises:

They are not worth to there promises they'll talk to you like I'll be there in 5 minutes but they don't.

we all make mistakes in life where we broke our words like

I'll be here in 5 minutes but we don't.
Will let you know about the meetings but they don't
I'll call you at 6 but they missed it.

How their real-life lives differ from their social media lives:

They varry over situations on this type of situation.


*once i met a person who is very much down to earth and humble and he is be like there is not much persons like him. But one day i suddenly saw his profile when i was scrolling on Instagram and i was shocked that he is not the person whom i met in real hes been totally different then the old words of him.

When you make a mistake, how do they react?

In this situation they were like they are polite to them whome they like or whome they want some fever they will treat you like you don't make any mistake but when they have not any concern with you guys they will treat you badly.

so here was the few fact i mention here don't judge people by these fact because everyone hasn't same situations at the same time so be try to unique


This is quite interesting, I think we need to pay more attention about these small details

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