Graphic Design Class Assignment - 2nd Lesson : Illustration By @masrull

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago

Hi all, meet me again @masrull as one of the students in graphic design class on this occasion I will try to complete the task that has been given by teacher @lhorgic.


Define illustration in your own words?

Illustration Is an image which has the purpose of showing the story from within the image more clearly. Or a more basic understanding is that an illustration is a text that is converted into an image with the aim that people can understand the image without having to read it first.

Illustrations are also commonly used to clarify the story in a book such as comics or other short stories with the help of illustrations, people will be more interested in reading books.

Mention and explain other types of illustration not captured in this lesson?

Comic Illustration


Comics are several images that are combined and become a storyline with little text. For the form of the comic itself, friends can find it like a book or also a sheet of paper which is a short story.

Cartoon Illustration

Cartoons are one of the illustrations that usually consist of living things made as good as possible to entertain their fans.

Caricature Illustration


An illustration with a caricature theme is one of the illustrations we see most often in satire, whether it's satire on friends or the government. The object of the image of the caricature is usually in the form of animals and humans, caricatures most often appear when there is a problem that is trending.

What's the difference between a graphic design and an illustration?

For the difference between graphic design and illustration we will do a review on several aspects.

Responsibility Aspect

Graphic Design is responsible for creating a visual design that aims to convey a message in terms of marketing.

Illustration is responsible for creating a visual work that aims to become a story.

Aspects of Work

The work that is usually produced from graphic design is in the form of logo designs, websites and promotions.

The work that is usually produced from illustrations is in the form of comics and magazines.

What is the importance of an illustration?

Illustration has become a fairly important part in the world of design and illustration itself has been around for decades, but in the modern era like today, many people have developed it. The goal remains the same, it makes it easier for someone to understand a reading with the help of illustrations.


Illustration Is an image which has the purpose of showing the story from within the image more clearly. Or a more basic understanding is that an illustration is a text that is converted into an image with the aim that people can understand the image without having to read it first.

Thank you for reading, it's nice to be able to take this class. If something goes wrong, I apologize and see you in the next questions.



Hello @masrull. Make sure to activate at least 50% of the power-ups to get support.

Club 5050 does not apply

 3 years ago 

I have done it. @daytona475

 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks for participating dear student. Here is your grade below.

QuestionGradeMark Obtained
 3 years ago 

Thanks Teacher

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