in Steem Skillshare3 years ago (edited)

A dream is a series of different images, emotions, scenarios, and sensations that occur involuntarily in human mind during different stages of sleep. An interesting fact about dreaming is that an average human brain can lose 95% of its dream memory before leaving the bed. But it’s bizarre amazing that dreams have a supernatural power to make your day or to ruin it also.
How do dreams affect our post-sleep mood?
There are two types of dreams.
REM Sleeping (Rapid Eyes Movement)
Dreaming during this phase of sleep can switch your mood on aggressiveness.
NREM Sleeping (Non-Rapid Eyes Movement)
Dreaming during this phase of sleep can switch your day mood to dreamer-initiated friendliness.
Why do we dream?
It is believed that dreams can be emotionally charged but completely illogical but to date, it is still beyond definite understanding of humans that why do we dream.
Here are some theories that describe the dream processes
We dream to fulfill of wishes.
We dream to remember.
We dream to forget.
We dream to keep our brains working.
We dream to rephrase.
We dream to heal.
We dream to solve problems.
Heal/Rephrase & Fulfill
Usually, primitive thoughts of fear urges, and desires occur while REM sleeping.
When we dreamt of our fears urges, and desires either we become more confident to deal with them or our brain is interpreting all that traumatic scenarios in a language that is favorable for it.
Forget/Discard & Delete
Oftentimes, the human brain is so tired that, to fall asleep is the only ultimate solution because it is believed that everything we do or say, leaves a little impact on our brain that can cause malfunctioning of the brain. So, during dreaming, the human brain can discard all unusable junk into a deletion bin.
Work/ Process & Solution
Some processes occur while dreaming and dreams are a signal that these processes are taking place. So to get strengthened, sleeping is the best therapy one can get.
You often don't get it, but a fun fact about the relationship between the human brain and sleeping is that to solve problems, it’s good to fall asleep and much better to dream about it.
You’ll be amazed by knowing the fact that August Kekulé visualizes the Benzene structure while sleeping.

Let’s sleep and keep dreaming until humans got a definite theory about why they dream.

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