Contest: " Interview" . Icebreaker on Steemit. Steem Skillshare Promo: David Warrilow

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago (edited)

I almost forgot to cite the source for this image
Hello everyone! Isn't this an exciting contest?! Here is the latest picture of me breaking ice in March 2015.
Source some random file on my computer, cannot remember what took the picture

What's your cellphone wallpaper

MS Paint - its a joke
I rarely use my cell phone. I use it primarily for two-factor authentication. The black image is a joke. My phone is off now, and I am too lazy to cross the room to get it and turn it on. I have no idea what it is, but it is whatever the default was. If I was the type of person to worry about wallpaper, I might use a photo like this from around 2012 when I lived in Ukraine near people who made me smile.

Another random file on my computer, and I still cannot remember what took the picture
Alternatively, I would display an image of my kids from over twenty years ago.

Still a random picture on my computer, but I can remember the camera. It was an Epson with a maximum of 640 dpi. I think his name was George.

Thanks to Pandemia!

I live in a multi-generational home. My parents (in their 90s), my brother and I and my dog, and occasionally we have had either his or my offspring stay or visit ... and sometimes cousins. Now that I think about it, I need to start charging rent. My brother and I would trade off caring for our parents. I would live in Ukraine for 90 days at a time. Since I used to design software, I could work at home or in the office. I needed to go somewhere where I wouldn't be disturbed. Before going to Ukraine, I would frequently have to leave both my home and the office because of distractions. The last time, I drove two hours away and set up in the corner of a coffee shop (Tim Hortons if you know Canadian culture). Within five minutes, an enthusiastic female acquaintance (whom I had played cards - Bridge - with the evening before) and a herd of her friends ran up to me, waving her arms and squealing my name from the doorway. That is why I travelled to Ukraine. To go where I had no friends to interrupt my focus. After a short period of time, I seemed to find a bunch of new friends.

A little off-topic?

If you could live anywhere in the world for a week, what country would it be?

If there is one bit of wisdom that I can pass to any great-great-great-grandchildren who might read this in the future: It isn't where you are; it is who you are with. I have travelled to a reasonable number of different countries. There are three or four that I wouldn't want to go to. I have an inside joke that I have shared with @ftz. Ironically those are the countries that I should visit.

What animal would you choose to be?

I'm not putting the source on (even if I do) because it is redundant. Just open the video onto Youtube
Peregrine Falcon, although an octopus would be handy if I didn't have a leg to stand on. It occurs to me that my humour is not particularly useful in a community that the members often speak other languages.

What was the funniest thing you’ve seen recently online?

I tend to laugh at different levels than most people (id est others don't find it funny). The funniest thing that I saw recently was an interview of a man who had become a medical doctor at a university in China. When he attended class, the professors all read PowerPoint presentations verbatim. The professors took the slides directly from the textbook. If a professor were absent, the substitute would ask where the professor had left off and continue reading from the book. Questions were not allowed. The interviewer revealed that was common in the other fields as well. If something isn't in the textbook, it doesn't exist, and it goes unquestioned. I find that hilarious.

I get frustrated sometimes because I will occasionally describe papers that I have read that are counter to the general narrative. I get criticized because I am not a medical doctor, a climate scientist, or an expert in any myriad of topics I have become interested in. As I watched a documentary on our collapsing magnetic field this morning, I asked my brother to look out the window and tell me if it was raining. He told me it wasn't. I asked him how he would know. He isn't a weatherman!

If you could pick up a new skill or hobby, what would it be?

All of them.

What’s something you’d like to talk about on Steemit that no one has written about recently?

How to make a movie fit in a single QR code?

Tag your friends

I have no friends; I am so lonely. No, they have already been tagged and posted. Wait where is @ftz?


Wow. Nice family photography.
I like the video you shared. superb!!

 3 years ago 

Thank you for participating

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