Comparing Two Schools of Magic - Obtaining an Understanding of Egyptian Mythology

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago


If you are going to do any research, it is imperative that you go to "first sources". As an example, I witnessed the first moon landing on TV as a child. I recall impressions I had of the events. Neil Armstrong had the first hand connection to the events which he has documented. Which is the more reliable source?

The image that I have at the top of the page comes from (with a little modification) from the seminal work of E. A. Wallis Budge: The gods of the Egyptians; or, Studies in Egyptian mythology.

The gods of the Egyptians; or, Studies in Egyptian mythology Volume I
The gods of the Egyptians; or, Studies in Egyptian mythology Volume II

Additional Readings can be found in this book:
Books on Egypt and Chaldea: Egyptian magic

Alternatively there is the research by the French Author, Paul Pierret.

Le Panthéon égyptien

E. A. Wallis Budge (representing the British Museum) and Paul Pierret (representing the Louvre) both had access to information about early excavations and research. Subsequent research is additive to this foundation. Unlike some modern scholars who believed and argued that there were no civilizations before Egypt, earlier scholars made no such representations.

Egyptian magic dates from the time when the pre-dynastic and prehistoric dwellers in Egypt believed that the earth, and the underworld, and the air, and the sky were peopled with countless beings, visible and invisible, which were held to be friendly or unfriendly to ’man according as the operations of nature, which they were supposed to direct, were favourable or unfavourable to him'.
Egyptian magic

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