The Skill That I Want to Have... But I Don’t. by @bench100

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago



Hello steemit friends all over the world first i have to special thank @alena-vladi for this great contest, give me the opportunity to let my steemit friends my long term dearm, thanks for stopping by and I prayer my post make main to all the read's and you are welcome to my blog.




I am a Moto mechanic and I specialize on Japanese products only by the grace of God, I have been doing this work for 4 years now

The professional skill I don't have but I would love to have( Driving)

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The professional skill I don't have but would love have is driving, so many persons we wonder how a mechanic will not no how to drive yes I don't know this was because when I started learning the work my eder brother told me that if I lean drive while still learning the work it will distract me because of so many persons that has been a victim of it so I accepted and up till now I don't I have not lean but looking forward to learn it.

Why do I need this skill

Leaning driven will help me to be able to test the car after work on it and also it I believe it will also help me to drive the car and be able to return it back to the owner after working not to expect the owner or maybe paying someone else to drive it back to the owner.

How will I use it in my profession

Driving is a very good profession which can also help me outside my profession and in my profession, by the grace of God tomorrow I get a car I will not have to pay a driver to drive me.

What prevents me from getting this skill?

I will say what prevented me from getting this skill is the mind set that if I lean it while am still learning my merchnic it will make me not to concentrate on my work.

How will my life change with this skill?
Leaning this skill driving now will change my life for good because I now have customers that I do work on there care and leaning at least I can go to pick the car on my own to work and return it when am dom with the work.


It's very important one gets a driving skill because you can't just keep depending on people to keep driving you all the time or going to pay extra money to someone to drive you when you have the money.

Cc: @steemskillshare


I hope you will learn to drive 'cos it is really very important in your job to understand the car better. Good luck and thanks for nice post!

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