When McDonald's have a Tomato Issue

in Steem Skillshare11 months ago


Believe it or not but McDonald's has officially notified their customers that they will not be able to add Tomatoes in their Burgers for the foreseeable future atleast untill all of the fiasco behind Tomatoes settle down. This comes after the prices of Tomatoes has soared a whopping 400-600 percent in different parts of India. I say different parts of India because the part I stay in has Tomato prices having just a 70 percent premium as I live in a state that produces abundant tomatoes.

But in those states where there are no Tomato production the price of tomatoes are simply on a different level. So now whenever you go to a McDonald's just assume that you are not going to get any tomatoes in your Burger or anything at all, and since McDonald's have started this chances are that other Fast Food Chains like SUBWAY, BURGER KING and others will follow Suit and Tomatoes may go out of their Menu.

Now all of this has obviously happened due to the shortage of Tomatoes all over India as the production was already on the lower side and paired up with the heavy rainfall we have been getting has caused tomatoes to perish faster than the normal rate. So yeah Demand is at an All-Time High and Supply not so much and this disparity is the cause of a 600 percent hike in the prices of Tomatoes.


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