
What's your cellphone wallpaper ( you can just post a screenshot of wallpaper)?

I normally change my wallpaper more often, but below is my current wallpaper:


Thanks to Pandemia. Many could experience both options. So do you love working from home or would you rather be in the office?

Working from home is very definitely an option. I don't mind going into the office every now and again, but with my employment, going in more than a couple of times each month is completely unnecessary. Working at "the office" is totally superfluous for many jobs, especially in the computer business, as Covid-19 has demonstrated.
I'm dreading going back to work.
Working from home has one disadvantage: I tend to work more than I should. I'll occasionally have an idea late at night, and it's all too easy to sit down at my work computer and waste an hour.

If you could live anywhere in the world for a week, what countrywould it be?

If I could live somewhereelse in the world, I will go to Saudi Arabia, where the greatest man on earth lived. And also the holiest land, that is Makkah and Madinah.

What animal would you chose to be?

If I was to be an animal for a week, I could choose to be a cat, as I choose them as pets so that I could see the world they live in.

What was the funniest thing you’ve seen recently online ( meme, twits, images)?

So far us social media is concerned, I wake up every day seeing different kinds of meme, twits and image. But the mist recent one I saw today is:


The next question is because we are on Steem SkillShare. If you could pick up a new skill or hobby what would it be?

If I could pick up a new skill, I'd like to learn programming and cyber security.

What’s something you’d like to talk about on Steemit that no one has written about recently?

What I'd like to write on steemit that anyone has written in their recent post is about the manufacturing (production) of soap in my hometown.

Thank you for reading


We agree on some things like that I also get up at dawn because ideas arise, if I don't do it right away the idea will disappear!

Thank you for your participation, I wish you a lot of success in the contest!


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