All-sports contest|Train your mind... Create a story(Football as an inspiration) by @imohmitch

in all-sports2 years ago



Football as an inspiration

Football which is one of the most watched sports in the world, it consist to f twenty players, which is from both sides, 10 pla6ers and 1 goalie on one side and vice versa and a center referee. The are many sporting activities in football which are the premier league , la liga, the UEFA champions league, world cup , nation’s cup and so on. The player I love so much is Ronaldo because of his agility and responsiveness to the ball, his actions towards scoring goals amazes me, even at that age.

Football is a major inspiration to many as possible t teaches us not to give up, as I will be backing up my story with photos.

Football sometimes doesn’t depend on the side that has too many stars or skillful players, they might loss , you need confidence, hardwork and mainly teamwork, without teamwork the play won’t be well organized , vas they will no possession in the play, it requires teamwork , which shows us why we need to work together.

I had this classmate of mine, very skillful with the ball , he scores too many goals when we play, he was like the highest goal scorer in out class, he was somehow too proud, and when we are about to select players, so we can play , he was usually the first person to be selected and usually rushed due to his skillfulness and goal scoring ability and he dribbled a lot , no time to play the game with teammates, when the ball is given to him, he rides up to the body , dribbling the keeper and scores. A major competition was hosted in the state, which scouters needed players , due to our schools popularity in sports, the scouter came and we were asked to play, we all knew who the chosen one would be , because the scouter needed just one player, the match went on as he outshone other players , he really dribbled than he used to, he just wanted to get noticed, he scored 2 goals, to our greatest surprise he wasn’t picked, our other player that really does the possession thing , making sure everyone touched the ball, going for the ball and giving assist , the scouter told us to Hy he wasn’t selected, that his opposition defense was too weak , that if he meets a good team in the tournament , he won’t b able to play due to the defense system, and he doesn’t take team work as something. Team work is very essential in football and life majorly cause we cannot become the richest person in the world without having advice from people and a team of team of workers that s team which course s sometimes defined as TEAM – together everyone achieves more.

I invite @bossj23 @davidmarkgoerge @bethix to take part in this contest

I have set 15% beneficiary to @hive-197661


El futbol es un deporte grupal, de estrategia y de mucha sincronización, me agrada que hagas una relación con la vida misma y el no ser individualista. Lograremos más metas y triunfos en conjunto. Éxitos en el concurso.

Hola gran amigo, saludos, bienvenido a la comunidad.

Aunque no creaste una historia a partir de las imágenes suministradas, nos diste una muy cierta, ya que en el futbol se debe aprender a trabajar en equipo, ser individualista no te llevara lejos en este deporte, tu amigo ojala aprenda eso.


 2 years ago 

Hola @imohmitch, te recomiendo para la próxima oportunidad leer bien las reglas, ya que debías realizar un historia con las dos fotografías suministradas.

Tu historia de tu amigo individualista es buena, gracias por participar.

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Post verificado: 16-06-2022


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