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RE: 기존 증인들과 저스틴측이 진행한 대화 내용 녹음 후기

So am I understanding correctly that you and your Korean community are all here for the pure business, financial gain?

If so, is it also reasonable to say you all do not care about the philosophy of a decentralised network and projects?

If this is true, fair enough, but why are you on Steem at all in this case? Would it not be more financially efficient to use a more suitable blockchain? And, if you want centralization, why not just use Facebook, or, if it's money that's important, why not support the dozens of other social media blockchain platforms that have come and gone?

What is so special about Steem to you that you want to stick around for, but also transform it so it becomes the opposite of what it was originally designed for?

I do agree with your discomfort about actions of witnesses, but blame can very clearly be put on all sides. Ned very clearly set this up to begin with, and the meeting showed that Justin didn't know about prior agreements and they were to go away and figure out the mechanics they missed out. The meeting ended amicably on this point.

At the same time, the information is out there, but Justin and his team failed to do their homework before making such a huge purchase. Thus, the blame is on all sides. If you want to decide who to vote for based on who is to blame, I think that's not so easy.

Justin did not disagree with removing his puppet witnesses, but instead said they need to go and figure things out before making such decisions. Meanwhile, the witnesses said if you remove them, we can have a much more open discussion with a community that backs you and trusts you more to do the right thing.

We know from looking that most of the community supports this idea, and this seems to be the most win-win scenario, no? Nobody needs to 'overthrow' the witnesses, but people will be comfortable with four witnesses in the top 20 which will prevent any drastic actions happening, giving more opportunity for further discussions.

Isn't this something you would want to support? Or would we rather have a blockchain run by a man who the majority of people hate and distrust again (even if it's not his fault)?

Let me know what you think

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