Note on U.S policies, and China strategy

The current United States foreign policy is obsolete. A far better one will take its place in 2025. Allies will be accounted for differently, you’re either a good one or pose a security risk, and your familiarity of The Americas will be essential for good relations. Replacing it diligently will occur after the United States settles the domestic rift in November. This election comes with a lot of contingencies. One being a legitimacy event that will be swift and drain a political cesspool. It will be like a civil war reenactment, and the union will be preserved..

The best way for America to implement new policy abroad is when the people are constitutionally compliant at home for it is an extension of power. The right people have to cultivate, and the wrong ones wither away.

Due to adversaries that may act on information it would be inconceivable to give real time updates and break down the chain of events. But one thing for certain: every previous idea of global development has to be cast aside afterwards.

It will take China and Russia 10 years to realize the American Flying Geese Paradigm and 20 years to realize how it's been incorporated. There are three superpowers. China, Russia, EU. There is but one megapower.

In order to keep the formation intact China must not revolt, and that could only happen if we don’t take their ambitions seriously and fail to properly respond. Russia and the EU will be bogged down. To prevent China from revolting a vacuum must be created with the closures of many lines of communication. It’ll be a business first relationship. The reason is simple, Chinese delegations follow a structure that incite an emotional response. The U.S cannot lose its cool, surely they are in cahoots with Russia.

At the forefront they put Xi Jinping, a friendly cooperative person that follows a liberal order. But surrounding Xi Jinping are hardliners that talk a lot of smack, such as Wang Huning. They hide behind the leader, and you barely notice they are there. All the while they have venom for you. To get to them you have to go through the leader

In America leaders strive to make the party a reflection of their rhetoric and vice versa. You can also single out individual members. Intent is transparent. The CCP structure is a direct attack. Xi Jinping will draw you in while Wang Huning is contemplating beating you over the head. The intent cannot be trusted. The best course of action is to ignore them as long as they keep up with needed shipments.

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