CZ's Postponed Sentencing

Sentencing is a battle as important as the verdict itself. We all assume CZ will go to prison if not that would be short of a miracle seeing this case broke records. I’ve been watching and have an assessment. The latest move is causing chatter.

My credentials are my own experience with the criminal justice system. If you do a preliminary search you would find I have one felony conviction. If you do a deep search of all records you would find I have been charged with over 10+ felonies and that may be closer to 20.

Race alone may not play a factor, race and persona actually does. CZ during the lead up till now persona could incite spite in others. Not everyone is naturally headstrong, and human fallacy in court is to punish authoritative masculinity. CZ has to stop them from linking his persona to those that are involved in sexual child abuse, illegal narcotics, and terrorism. The prosecution would surely bring this up. It is imperative for the legal team to draw the line now rather than scapegoated for other platforms and institutions.

CZ should not file for any more motions. The lawyers did something to placate their client that I think works against sentencing. Provisionally not appealing if the sentencing does not exceed 18 months is not a sweetener. That is a bluff. The effect is perhaps not getting the max to avoid a trial, but that floor may certainly be tested. The lawyers did their job already, even the max sentence they’d view as good and silly to challenge.

Too many people want to talk about rivalries and other cases that have nothing to do with yours. A lot of tough talk. The prosecution is probably doing the same thing. If people are that way of mismatched support the court is also susceptible to mismatched reflection. You’re in Seattle.

Rarely is one continuously known, they were all just familiar with you at a point in time. That is what is next.

I will continue to express preparation I believe should be taken based on the reality of decentralization, and not engage in sporadic entertainment.

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