China's errors piling up


First and foremost the Chinese have some nerve. Picking the leader of their crypto initiative is one thing. Justin Sun is a dapper fellow. But he has been a puppet that only regurgitates and never formulates.

The council, the true governing body, has to be disclosed. It is inconceivable that some CCP princelings live vicariously through Justin Sun, while they cower out of the picture. It raises questions about intent.

American culture sees this as cowardice. What do you possibly have going on that you can’t reveal yourself and you want the option of resigning from responsibility. Justin Sun will be hurdled over to get to you.


The CCP military has a habit of purging party members. It is said to cleanse the party of corruption, but I believe it is an attempt to rid those most likely to be dissidents, and allow the corruption to fester a bit longer.

When you have a one party state where hierarchy is exalted lower ranked members have to follow the orders of higher ranking members. It is too easy to destroy a person's livelihood for insubordination, even when you're committing crimes.

The capital outflow China experiences is a loss of faith in the direction the CCP takes with internal affairs. A warning that many believe them to be unsustainable. The purge is the deep state method of curating the apparatus.

But don’t be fooled to think those who were purged have an incentive for revolution. They will be needed for the transformation the CCP knows it’ll have to undertake. But will it ever get to that point?

The CCP controls the military, but what happens if the military has to control the CCP? That all this shuffling around based on emotions is detrimental to the actions needed for addressing other powers.


The Russians forced the replacement of their foreign minister. Qin Gang was seen as too much of a U.S asset because he would have done a great job promoting the conflict resolution China would prefer.

Russia essentially asked China to commit to prolonging difficulties. Was this a strategic play to subdue Europe psychologically, or was it a tactical play to reign in China’s power?

Russia will carefully watch Germany and China. There is a development that wants to be controlled. If it can’t be controlled it is to be prevented. Russia has U.S and China relations as a reference. If their energy can’t goad Europe, then they got no bargaining chips besides what China could do.

What the U.S ask of China is simple. Buy U.S treasuries, and show me my opponent.

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