The Diary Game : 09/09/2020

in Best of India4 years ago

Dear diary,

So hello everyone and welcome back to my diary post.

I woke up early in the morning at 5:00 am because this is my daily morning schedule. Also it is my habitual action so i daily wake at 5:00 am.

Also my friend came with me in morning for running purpose. And so we started the running from rambagh and finished at fixed location thet we decided before started a race.

After running we take rest and go to park. And after take rest we do exercise and yoga also. Because yoga maintain the mentally health and also improve the thinking skill.

And exercise cover the full body and give potential to body to do many activity and also maintain fitness and decrease the disease chances.

After that some of my friends play cricket in the park and i also joined them. Then we played cricket some two hour. I am uploading the pic that of the moment when we play cricket.


Then after played cricket I came to home and then i burshed my teeth and take bath also.
After that i ate my morning meal like peanut butter with Brown bread and some banana with milk.

So after then i read my newspaper and read some most important headlines and also noted them in my diary. And then after i played pubg with my friends because one of my friend calle for playing pubg. So then i played but i also increased my RP in pubg because the pubg season be ended in some days.

After that i was go to a cyber cafe to fill the NDA form. I also make correction in aadhaar card so i was go to cyber cafe. I upload the pic of that cyber cafe.


So after finished my work in cyber cafe i came home and i take rest and also i watched movie in youTube. I upload the one scene of that movie.


Then i slept some three hour and after wake up i ate my some banana with milk and after sometime i go to a park with my brother and sister and we do evening exercise.

We talked a lot in the park and making fun of others. And then we came home and then i watched tv and also i watched some news with my father.

And then i ate dinner with my family and after that i played pubg with some random player and also scrolled some social media apps like Facebook and Instagram. And also listen some songs.



Hello @vivek24
I haven't played Cricket from some months. And I am really missing it.
You have watched a south Indian movie. Actually , I like South Indian movies as there is much thriller in these movies.
Have a great day!
#onepercent #india #affable

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