Scribe V2 New Feature: Tag Searcher Added

in Best of India3 years ago (edited)

We now have a new feature in Scribe V2. Previously Scribe was known for only fetching the history of a post. To increase its usability I have added a feature called Tag Searcher


Scrolling through all the articles made for a particular post can be very tedious and time-consuming. This is because of the fact that only a certain number of articles fit a single screen on steemit.

Once you reach the end, you would need to load new articles. This takes more time. One more problem that this might cause is if you accidentally click on a particular post and it opens in the same tab. Once you have read this article, you would have to come back and wait for the next set of posts to load. You might also end up reading the same post more than once.

Cryptoacademy has been scaling up ever since its inscription. The number of assignment posts that we see getting posted in the community is very high. With the academy opening up for new users as well, we need some kind of tool that would help us know if a professor has already visited a particular post or not.

This kind of tool can help both the professors and the curators can save the time that they might spend opening an already opened/voted academy post.

Solution: The Tag Searcher

The Tag Searcher

The tool can be found at

The tag searcher gives you a list of posts between the selected dates. You can then keep track of it by checking their serial numbers. This tool is extremely helpful if you are looking for data such as a list of posts for a particular tag.

This tool can also be very useful for the Newcomer’s community who can search for articles that use a particular tag. This would eliminate the chance of missing even one of the achievement posts.

Scribe V2 now has a new option in the menu. This is to search for any posts that were made using a particular tag, during the given period.

To make this feature more useful for the crypto academy, I have added fields that indicate if a professor and steemcurator02 have visited a particular assignment post. To enable this feature for the crypto academy you would need to check the Academy Homework check box and then search for the tags.

Searching for a particular homework tag

In this example, I am checking for #sapwood-s2week7 tag. On hitting the search tags button, the app brings out a list of all users who have attended that particular homework. The professors can use this tool to fetch only assignments that they have issued.

Here is the data fetched for sapwoods week 7 homework task

This can also be very useful for the professors to make sure that they haven’t missed out grading a particular post. This also gives @steemcurator02 a place to check the posts that have been graded by the professor and not the ones that haven’t yet.

With the recent increase in the scale of academy posts, this would be very helpful.

How does the tool know if the professor has visited the post?

The tool makes use of the bridge.get_ranked_posts API to achieve this. In this API, I receive data regarding all the posts that I fetch.

To determine if a professor or steemcurator has visited a post, I make use of the active_votes parameter in the response. If the professors/steemcurators have voted, then the tool sets the Is Visited By Professor/Curator is set to true. Else it is false.

Things that can help the tool:

I request the professors all the posts that they have visited. Probably voting with 1% weightage to all the posts that don’t get good grades would help the tool pick up such posts as well.

Future Improvements:

Currently, this tool has a special feature only for the crypto academy community. If I see the value of this feature in @cryptokannon’s newcomer’s community, I can build a similar feature for them as well.

Another improvement of this tool could be to indicate if an academy post is graded above 5 or not. If the professors agree to vote plagiarised content/ less informative posts with a low weightage like 1% or lower, I can add a condition to indicate the same in the UI.

This would help prevent @steemcurator02 to visit bad posts.

Please let me know if you wish to see any new features for this. I am open to any suggestion of a better way to achieve the same as well. Would be amazing if @steemchiller’s SDS API has the bridge API equivalent.

Looking forward to seeing you on the tool.

CC: @sapwood @neerajkr03 @rishabh99946 @stream4u @allbert @asaj,@awesononso, @cryptokraze, @lenonmc21, @reminiscence01, @wahyunahrul, @imagen, @kouba01 , @pelon53 , @yohan2on @yousafharoonkhan.


Simply awesome,

You have made the life of professors and the organizers in Crypto Academy a little easier, and yes we need more scalable solution down the line.

Thank you so much for developing this tool.

Not just the Crypto Academy, even the community leaders who run contest can track the list of users using this tool.

Thanks a lot again.

Now we have extracted the Achievement Task-4 users from Newcomer's community using this tool and it looks like this.


I'm happy that you found it useful.

Very useful tool.

Thank you very much.

A very useful tools.
Please can we search for a post by searching the topic of the post?

I await your response sir

Searching for a topic is a bit hard at the moment cause I don't maintain my own database to store all data. Currently, I rely heavily on APIs that are available and manipulate the data the way I want. To implement the search option, I would need to also create an algorithm to do the same. With the little time that I get every day, I would not be able to achieve this any time soon.

You could probably google the topic that you want to search and add the word steemit in the end. This would have to do it for now. If I stuble upon an API that gives me the ability to search for a Topic, then I will implement it.

Excelente, he realizado algunas pruebas y veo su gran utilidad al momento de corregir y revisar las tareas.

Muchas gracias por este gran apoyo

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