New Bug on Steemit

in Best of India3 years ago

I curate some of the top BOI posts every day. The way I decide on the vote weightage is by judging the post's quality as well as by looking at the author's account activity, how long have they been active, and also if they are powering down. If they are, the vote weightage decreases.

To check if the author is powering down I go to the wallet tab from this screen.

I check the wallet hitory of the user

Yesterday when I was curating, this page did not load. It threw a 504 error a shown in the screenshot below.

The 504 Time-out error
So, I didn't give much thought to it and went on to check the same on steemworld.

In the morning, I checked the wallet history from this button and it opens up perfectly.

Wallet hitory works when we use this button

So, on trying to debug through the browser dev tools console I got this regular expression exception.

SyntaxError: xception: SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^[Α-ω]+$/: Range out of order in character class at Object.../../node_modules/validator/lib/alpha.js (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:54760:12) at webpack_require (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:20:30) at Object.../../node_modules/validator/lib/isAlpha.js (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:55036:14) at webpack_require (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:20:30) at Object.../../node_modules/validator/index.js (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:54528:40) at webpack_require (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:20:30) at Object.../../node_modules/tronweb/dist/TronWeb.node.js.module.exports (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:53288:3467) at r (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:53288:170) at Module. (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:53288:15756) at r (chrome-extension://ibnejdfjmmkpcnlpebklmnkoeoihofec/dist/pageHook.js:53288:170)
alpha: undefined
alphanumeric: undefined
arabicLocales: undefined
commaDecimal: undefined
decimal: undefined
dotDecimal: undefined
englishLocales: undefined
exports: {alpha: undefined, alphanumeric: undefined, decimal: undefined, englishLocales: undefined, arabicLocales: undefined, …}
i: undefined
locale: undefined
exports: {alpha: undefined, alphanumeric: undefined, decimal: undefined, englishLocales: undefined, arabicLocales: undefined, …}
i: "../../node_modules/validator/lib/alpha.js"
l: false
proto: Object
this: Object
webpack_require: ƒ webpack_require(moduleId)
_i: undefined
_i2: undefined
_i3: undefined
_locale: undefined

Here is the screenshot of the error.

The screenshot of the exception

I hope the information that I have provided here is enough for @steemcurator01 can take this matter to the engineering team and get this resolved.

Thank you.



Thank you for this @starlord28.

The Engineering Team are working on the issue at the moment and hope to have it resolved shortly.

I too facing the same problem here when I tried to go wallet.
#affable #india

Yeah, this problem started yesterday.... Hope it'll be fixed soon.
Thanks for drawing the issue in light @satrlord28

Yeah even I came across this problem. Hope it gets fixed soon.
#affable #india

Yesterday everyone facing the same situation, today it's working properly. @starlord28

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