THE DIARY GAME | 16/8/2021 | Better Life with STEEM

in Best of India3 years ago

Hello Steemit, let's start our daily diary journey.


Image Credit: Unsplash


Monday morning. So the things are slowly getting back to the order. And it seems like colleges may start from the september. And for one or two months they may continue the routine too.

I had my breakfast and then I moved to the regular work routine. I also decided to call some of my office people and see if the tasks are up yet. And then maybe just work for next few hours before going to the lunch outside.


I went to the lunch to the nearest places for the lunch. It was kind of good for me to have simple food. And so I finished the lunch and then moved to the office work back again.


TRX today was not much as you can compare with yesterday. More votes given to other people on steemit would earn me more TRX. So that is the focus for now.


Atomic wallet coin is another that I have been accumulating too. AWC is going to be my focus which I wish to earn by exchanging the TRX.


Dinner was simple today. And I had no idea of eating enough so I had only limited dinner. Which I am going to change and make sure that my stomach does not ask again for the food.

I noticed that the gamemaker application seems to be going into subscription and each year it would go for the 8K INR per year. Which is going to be costly so have to invest by planning things properly.

I wrote the diary and decided to end the work.

I will keep you updated with the diary and life in next post.

Thank You


Your naration of blog was pretty beautiful!!!

@skysnap #affable

Nice diary from your side
Thank you for sharing your day with us keep posting
You have good crypto knowledge
#india #affable

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66552.75
ETH 3490.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64