Better life with Steem | The diary game | 31st January | club75

in Best of India2 years ago

Today in the morning i woke up early but it was wayyyyy too early for me so i headed back to sleep,later i woke up at around 8AM then i had my breakfast at around 9AM, just a cup of tea and snacks.

Watching Final season Of teen wolf Series on Netflix

Then i did checkup on the crypto market, there was nothing new actually just every day scenario. Then i continued watching Teen wolf Series on Netflix, I'm at last season currently which is season 6 and it has a total of 20 episodes.

Then i went out for some work, i called my friend because he also had at some work at same place, that work got delayed and we spent around 2 hours there.

just a random photo clicked by my friend

Today weather was good, it was sunny day. I went out with my friend, then in the evening time we stayed on the tea stall, in the late evening they started fire there, many people were there at home.


Most of them were mutual friends so we had so many gossips and i didn't realize about time and then my friend dropped me home and then i had dinner with my family and that's how i spent my day.


I love watching series! but I didn't check out teen wolf !😅😅
will definitely try once ,I would also suggest to watch "100" if you haven't coz it turned out to be a good one😉🤩

#affable #india

i have alrrady watched 100 its ava on netflix.

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