The diary game --07/12/21

Hello everyone, hope you all are fine and in the best of spirits. Today, my day started at 8 am. I did regular morning yoga and went out to water my plants. We had planted little saplings in our little garden outside. It's look reliving when i saw those plants growing with the shiver of cold.


I came outside and my mom offered me cup of tea with some cookies. Thereafter, i started my laptop and started working on some mechanical softwares. After getting bored with it, i searched for some good designing ideas of human rights day poster. The poster had been assigned to me earlier.

I then took shower and had my lunch. The most satisfying thing about winter is that we have a lot of vegetables and fruits to eat in comparison to summers.

After having lunch, i watched some videos on YouTube and took a nap.

In the evening, i went out to buy vegetables for home.

dal makhani in dinner

Now, i am again working on the design.

Good night


Tasty 😋 and delicious breakfast and dalmakhani. Nice diary from your side.

Toast and the dal makhani both of them look good. I am sure they must be tasting delicious too.

#affable #india

Dall makkhni in dinner looking delicious @kushagrapratap.
And sandwiches in breakfast also delicious.


@kushagrapratap The dot that you put on the top of the sandwich is making the sandwich attractive. I do this often now.

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