Best of India Contest || Your Favourite Anime || Howl's Moving Castle 🏰

in Best of India3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing great.

Yesterday I came to know about this amazing contest #boianimecontest and I found this very unique and interesting.

I always love to participate in the contests organized by @bestofindia
My favorite anime movie is Howl's Moving Castle. Let's talk about it.

Howl's Moving Castle


Howl's moving castle is a japanese animated movie.This anime is directed and written by Hayao Miyazaki and released in 2004.
Hayao creates best anime movies in japanese anime movie world.


Shopie Hatter


Wizard Howl


Witch of the waste




Kakashi no Kabu





The story revolves around the main characters Shopie and Wizard howl. One day Witch of the waste turns herself into a young and beautiful girl and impressed wizard howl but he came to known about it all and run away from her. One day Shopie was working in his deceased father shop suddenly howl came. He saw her beauty and fell for her but the witch named witch of waste came and cursed her which turns shopie into an old lady because she saw howl was talking to her.
Now Shopie ran away in fear and this old lady was saved by howl.


He has a huge moving castle which is all magical. In castle there is a demon fire named calcifer. Howls bounded his heart with calcifer by giving his heart to save him. she met a fire demon called Calcifer.
Calcifer needs her help to remove his spell and the story move forward where sophie met a scarecrow with turnip head and story goes on.


My favorite Character


My favorite character is Sophie. she work in her father shop to help he mother and two sisters. after being spelled, she ran away in search of her cure and saved somehow by howl. She helped caclifer (a demon fire) who runs the castle. At one point of time calcifer got out of control because of his rage and it was Sophie who pacify the calicer and saved the castle and in this process her spell brokes but her hair remains white.



After she pacify the rage of calcifer and separeted the heart of howl from calcifer. The turnip head scarecrow saved castle from falling from the roof of the mountain. Everyone was happy so sophie kissed turnip head scarecrow which broke the spell of turnip head scarecrow and he became a young king who is from neighboring country from which sophie's country was having conflicts and war with. After returning his country, people get their king back so the king announced treaty of peace between both the countries.


After that she gave back howls his heart to him and confessed her love for him and he also confessed the same and movie ends with both kissing each other.


That's all about my post. I hope you all like it. Please let me know your thoughts about this movie if you watched it.


Great.....this anime story seems to be adventurous & full of thrill. Reading your post is full paisa wasool 😉😄.
Happy Makar Sankranti @kajalbitoni

Thank you so much @krishna001
Happy makar Sankranti
All the movies by this director is unique and best.

That's great....I'll check it if it matches my taste also 😛.

Most importantly.. offcourse ☺️

Thank you very much you repeated well with us about this movie

 3 years ago 

Hey @kajalbitoni,Thank you for participating in the #animecontest organized by BOI community.

You have chosen Howl's moving castle as your favourite animated movie.

You have beautifully described the storyline of the movie and also your description about all the characters is quite amazing. You have provided detailed information about the movie how witch of waste transforms the Sophie into a old lady because of envy and how she breaks that spell to become beautiful again.

You also have provided the photos of every character with their sources which is quite amazing and also absent in many other posts.

Thank you and best of luck...

Thank you so much by for reading each and every post in so depth. It's good to known that our work is being appreciated by the organisers.
Thank you @bestofindia

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