Better life | The Diary Game : 05/10/2021 | A story, A poem

in Best of India3 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I read the Tirichh story by Uday Prakash ji which is based on magical realism. This story is very lively as you go through the story you will feel that everything is happening in front of your eyes. Maybe that's why it's called magical realism.

Last evening I read this story on YouTube. If anyone here is fond of reading the story, then you must read this story on the given link, you will like this very well written story.

Tirichh story Link

When he came to our college yesterday, he also recited his most famous poem, 'Chalo Kuch Ban jate Hai' and recited it to all of us. Here I will tell that in his compositions, he has written very few love poems, this is one of them. I am going to share this poem below with you all, you have also read it and definitely tell how you felt.

तुम मिसरी की डली बन जाओ
मैं दूध बन जाता हूं
तुम मुझमें
घुल जाओ ।

तुम ढाई साल की बच्ची बन जाओ
मैं मिसरी घुला दूध हूं मीठा
मुझे एक सांस में पी जाओ।

अब मैं मैदान हूं
अब मैं मैदान हूं
तुम्हारे सामने दूर तक फैला हुआ
मुझमें दौड़ो,
मैं पहाड़ हूं
मेरे कंधो पर चढ़ो और फिसलो
मैं सेमल का पेड़ हूं
मुझे ज़ोर-ज़ोर से झकझोरो और
मेरी रूई को हवा की तमाम परतों में
बादलों के छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों की तरह
उड़ जाने दो ।
ऐसा करता हूं कि मैं अखरोट बन जाता हूं
ऐसा करता हूं कि मैं
अखरोट बन जाता हूं
तुम उसे चुरा लो
और किसी कोने में छुपकर
उसे तोड़ो

गेहूं का दाना बन जाता हूं मैं,
तुम धूप बन जाओ
मिट्टी-हवा-पानी बनकर
मुझे उगाओ
मेरे भीतर के रिक्त कोषों में
लुका-छिपी खेलो या कोंपल होकर
मेरी किसी गांठ से
कहीं से भी
तुरत फूट जाओ
क्यों न ऐसा करें...
तुम अंधेरा बन जाओ
मैं बिल्ली बनकर दबे पांव
चलूंगा चोरी-चोरी

क्यों न ऐसा करें
कि मैं चीनी मिट्टी का प्याला बन जाता हूं
और तुम तश्तरी
और हम कहीं से
गिरकर एक साथ
टूट जाते हैं सुबह-सुबह
या मैं गुब्बारा बन जाता हूं
या मैं गुब्बारा बन जाता हूं
नीले रंग का
तुम उसके भीतर की हवा बनकर
फैलो और
बीच आकाश में
मेरे साथ फूट जाओ ।

या फिर…
ऐसा करते हैं
हम कुछ और बन जाते हैं

"कुछ बन जाते हैं - कविता | हिन्दवी" Link

If you look at my daily routine, I woke up as usual at 6:00 am, drank water. Complete my morning routine. Prepared breakfast for my son, then woke him up and got him ready to go to school. He finally got up, after throwing 50 tantrums as usual.

My husband went to drop him to school, while I was busy preparing breakfast for all of us. After taking bath and having breakfast, I have full time to do something for myself. I used this time to prepare for CTET. With the help of youtube, I read some questions of CTET's, CDP (child development & pedagogy)subject.

CTET is a central teacher eligibility test. Its preparation is done very well by Himanshi Singh's Let's Learn channel on YouTube. She is teaching students from a very young age, her talent is unique, she has also written many books at such a young age. Those who are doing B.Ed or preparing for CTET must know this name.

Now it's time to get Jesu from school. I cooked rice and we all had lunch as soon as Jesu arrived. I played with Jesu for a while, then I put him to sleep. I also rested for a while.

IMG20211003114339.jpgMy son playing with his father's cap

In the evening, a friend of mine, Supriya, called me, she asked me about out college educational tour whether I was going or not. We discussed this for a while. Then I went through some topics from my syllabus.

It's evening now, it's time to wake up Jessu. We notice that our son has got some allergy in his hand which has left the rash at that place. My husband has made an appointment for tomorrow to visit the skin specialist's clinic this evening.

That's all for today's post, thank you for supporting me and giving your valuable time to read my post. See you soon with a new post. Till then take care bye bye....

With regards,


'Chalo Kuch Ban jate Hai'

It's motivational and inspirational poem. I like this. All the best for CTET.

Thank you.

Very nice poem. Your son is looking so cute.
Nice post keep posting.

I like the poem. Some really good bits of wisdom can be felt after reading it. It looks like your daily routine is pretty good. Keep it up with the diary posts have a good day :)

#affable #india

the poem is great by Uday prakashji. you have written nice diarygame. @jyotisingh

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