CONTEST ENTRY: What can you do with 20 STEEM in your country? @iamxander.

in Best of India3 years ago
I live in Venezuela, a country where there is a daily devaluation of both the Bolivar which is the legal tender here and the US dollar, every day prices increase as marked by the page, the most common are monitordolar and dolartoday, usually the rate changes at two times in one day, at 9: 00 am and at 1:00 pm, so on the same day you must buy before 9:00 am or before 1:00 pm to avoid being surprised that the dollar rose, and what you are going to buy is more expensive, so every day we must buy things quickly, so as not to buy more expensive.

That is to say that these prices that I am going to give you today will surely change tomorrow and everything will be more expensive. So I give you today's prices. That's how it is where I live, what can we do?

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Today the Steem is 0,59$ X20 Steem = 11,8 US dollars.

With 11,8 US dollars we will see what we can buy, but we will round the Steem to 0,50$ as the contest indicates which gives as a result 10$.

The price of the dollar in Venezuela today, Monday, August 16, 2021, at 4:00pm according to the DolarToday website is 4,140,112.32 bolivars.

Ya subió el dólar amigos☹️ (The dollar is up).

Well let's start:

This shirt costs me today 10$ which at the exchange rate in bolivars is 41,401,123.2.
It is a shirt that is not branded, it is simple, but I liked it when I saw it.



But if what I want is a smart watch, this one costs me 10$, I am very interested in this item because it measures my heart rate, I like that.

I can buy 5 boxers that cost 2$ each and I get the total at 10$.

If on the other hand I want to buy a meal in a fast food restaurant with 20steem I can buy a hamburger for 5$, a soft drink for 1,5$ plus a portion of fries for 1,5$ and an espresso for 2$ for a total of 10$.

If I want to buy to take home I can buy half a chicken which costs me 8$ plus a portion of chips which costs me 2$.

If I go to eat on the street I can buy a little cheaper there like 5 half basic hot dogs at 2$ each and eat with my two children.

To go to the cinema on Thursday, which is cheaper, the entrance fee is 2.8$ each, here I would invite a friend and it would be 5.6$ for both of us, I would buy two small cotufas at 1.5$ each and a soft drink at 1.5$ for her, a total of 10.1$ and I would have to put a penny more.



In the street they sell cheap ice creams called Barquillones for 2$ each, I would buy 5 ice creams for my two children and myself.

Well, if I want to cook at home I could buy a kilo of beef steak for 4.
7$ a kilogram, which in va would be 19.458.527,95, a kilo of bread flour 1$, a soda 1,5, oil 2$ and 0,80 cents left over I would buy 1 kilo of onion and with that I would flour a dinner at home for my family.



Well friends these are some things that I would buy with 10$, in this case 20 STEEM.

I hope you liked it, what did you think of the information?

Translated with (free version)


Thinkable info bro.....!!!

@iamxander #affable

Thank you for reading my publication.

Nice contest entry post
You have lots of plans in 20steem hope you will won this contest
#india #affable

Thank you for your good wishes, yes they are good plans that I would like to realise. 👍

I live in Venezuela, a country where there is a daily devaluation of both the Bolivar

Yeah I recently came through this news too. The national currency of Venezuela is loosing it's strength day by day. Although the Venezuela helds the largest petroleum reserve in the world still it is not performing well...

And the reason behind it is only one and we all know well it..


Looks like pretty interesting set of the activities. I know it is not a lot of money but yeah a lot of things can be done. Good to see your place has that many options. Interesting entry for the contest :)

#affable #india

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