Betterlife dairy game - 3 Jan 2022 #144

in Best of India2 years ago

Hello all, first I want to thank you for your time to consider my post to read. Hope I was doing good at my content. If you like to suggest me some idea let me know I. The comment section.


Captured by me @erode

Actually, I put leave today because I came to my native on last Sunday and I planned to stay one more day. And today I got many time to explore the mobile and get excited on finding awesome camera quality. I brought this phone on last month and didn't expect this much of option on my new OnePlus 8 pro.


Dhaksha baby

These photos are taken on pro mode by adjusting the ISO , manual focus and some other changes. And today the only day I can stay by night itself I need to start my journey to continue my office tomorrow. I mean it was 13 hours journey to reach my office location. It was 510 kilometres. I spend some good time with my sister's daughter.


Captured by me @erode

As I was using the public transport there maybe many chance of rush on this situation I will get chance of no seat to sit for 12 hours. Inorder to avoid that I pre-booked the seat for me. But I did many things which i really wished to do by many days.


Good bye scenes

Today my mom cooked chicken 🐔 a variety called pallipalayam which is really awesome. And it was 5 o clock in evening time to go. My dad put me some tender coconut to drink. It was delicious and chill as you guys know it was winter season. Now I was writing this post with little bit throat pain. Now I was in bus writing this post around 8:30. Tha k you see you on tomorrow dairy game post ☺️.


Coconut kept to dry looks like a good sight in photography. You have captured some good photos.

#affable #india

Wow, Thank you for your time to read the post :)

Thanks for sharing your valuable post with us and i appreciate for your work. you had mention good images and the last image of the coconut is really good.

thanks for sharing and stay comments on each and every post

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