Betterlife:-) The diary game is 34td entry on 25td September 2021/Homie

in Best of India3 years ago

Hellow everybody good morning to all of you today I just wake up at 7:30am which might be late comparison to other day because of sukoon in our house.
So, I just wake up and drink some luke water as usual everyday but today company with my mom and dad😉😊. Now after brussing my teeth 🪥 I take my laptop and start my Mock test but after half n hour I drink my morning tea with Besan sevda and again start my Mock test .
At 10 o'clock breakfast ready which is special that is Bread pakora with cheese n paneer 🥪 and spicy chuttney also.

Bread pakora
After eating again start my study and after few hours Chiku and Aishani comes and starts disturbing me and press my laptop keyboard 😉 say it's A ,B .... I just shud down my laptop and start playing with them.
Now it's time to lunch time ..


Chiku and Aishani

Now at evening I just go to my Jewellery shop where I eat some fast food which is common in my area and special .

Burger 🍔
So that's all for the day.

Thank you.

Specially thanks to @sapwood I just learn a new think.
Thanks buddy.
Unless otherwise stated, all the images, infographics, details etc(if any) are my original works.



You have many delicious and tasty 😋 items today. I also had jalebi today. I hope your enjoyed it very much ❤️ @deepak94


Bread pakodas are looking mouth watering..😋
You had a great day indeed.

Ya I love this I eat too much.. and thanks to visit

Your diary is so clear and with good picture of kids and the bread pakora .lovely keep posting @deepak94

Bread pakora with cheese n paneer

Bread pakoda looks very tasty. And I also like burger and emarti I hope you enjoy and have fun with Chiku and Aishani

Chiku and aishani both are so cute 😍. Your chees pakoda is fantastic.
Keep posting bro.

All your food in your diary looking delicious @deepak94. Both kids looks so cute.
Amazing diary from your side keep posting and have a wonderful day.


Thank @monali01 for visiting.

I also like bread pakora very much. And everyone would have liked it, keep sharing the diary with us like this, congratulations

Thanks bro ☺️ keep visiting

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